healthy, wealthy and wise

i went to bed at 7:30 last night.  i woke up this morning at quarter to 5 from a dream.  i was with my new husband and it was christmas time.  everything was very busy and many projects were on the go. in every room of the house somebody was doing something.  at one point he called me to come see him and reprimanded me on something i did or did not do, at which point i had the "you are not my  dad you are my husband" talk with him.  haha.  later i was stirring something in a pot and amy was playing something on the piano and singing and he walked by and started singing in harmony with her which melted my heart.  "she composes too." i bragged.  then we were laying in a field with long grasses and he was singing fiddler on the roof songs to me which made me laugh.  it was our moment in the busy day--and it was quickly over when someone needed me for some sauce or other.


Beth-a-knee said…
I'm glad you didn't let your husband push you around! Gee, labee. when you're married it sounds like you'll be busy all the time cooking.
Sarah-Lynn said…
that's hilarious! Do you remember what he looked like? I liked the joining in perfect harmony with Amy part and how that melted your heart, lol.
Laura said…
he had a sloppy longish cut--dark hair streaked with grey