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listen, i'm really tired and i'm up way too late.  but here's a few crowd piciloos of the hockey game on monday and few others.

 this one is over exposed but look at the signature.  whose do you think it is?
yah i saw the big fake stanley but i had no idea it was a big fake stanley that you wear.  that guy took it up a notch.  on the way home i sat on the sky train across from a guy who used his strainer for the bowl part of the stanley.
 this guy was sitting next to barb.
 barb thinks her eye looks fat here.  i think what she thinks is dumb in this instance.  i like how you can see a skyscraper reflected in her eye.

 i made barb take one of me.  i had to crop some wrinkles out to tell you the truth.
 and today my other new lens came.  a very few practice shots with that one.

1. me in my frumpled frizzy hair.
 2. archie supremely bored with anything i say or do that is not food related.
 3. izzy rightly suspicious of everything i do.


Beth-a-knee said…
I LOVE the pictures with your new lens! They take such awesome, clear photos! I loved the pic of the guy sitting 'side barb. (LUMPocoal). Love his temporary tat. And I loved the pic of Barb's eye. Yeah the 'fat eye' is silly, but I can relate, because in grade 4/5 I was actually really afraid that my eyelids were thick because I was chubby. (even though I wasn't chubby, I was afraid that the eyelids were a sign that I was). Now THAT'S silly.
amyleigh said…
nice pics! Your kitties are so adorable. Tell Barb that she should rather have a 'fat' eye than a skinny sparse one. :P
Sarah-Lynn said…
It must have been fun to go downtown and be part of all the hubaloo! Likee new lensie.