feet are burning, feet are burning, draw near, draw near...  i need to walk on oven mitts so as not to burn the floor.  that's how hot my feet are.  hi.  i'm in williams lake.  i'm sitting at bethany and ben's computer.  beside me is a huge wooden bird cage built by ben.  he built it yesterday.  inside is a budgie named phillup.  bethany just leaned into the mesh and cooed softly to phillup, "you went poo!  i'm glad that you went poo!", in the most loving and gentlest of ways.  phillup blinked at her his little vibrant aqua chest rapidly rising and falling.

ben named phillup.

i arrived here last night 11ish.  the neat thing about driving north in the summer time is the way twighlight lasts for miles and miles.  the roads were mostly empty.  it was lovely.  after the windy parts were over i sailed along, singing my heart out.  the evening light was gorgeous.  such an amazingly beautiful province we live in.  it filled me up with peace and gratitude.

bethany just came out of the shower be-turbaned.  "i love my hair now!".  basically i don't like to brag, but i knew this would happen.

speaking of showers, their shower tricked me.  when i turned on the tap the water came out fast and furious.  nice, i thought.  and yet the shower was a mere dribble.  how do you think that made me feel?  well it made me feel like my hair was never fully wet, that's how it made me feel.  also it's hard water here.  hard water feels sticky. does anyone know what i'm talking about?  anyone?  when i washed my face my hands skidded stickily across my cheeks instead of gliding smoothly over the surface with the water.  it's strange is all i'm saying.

bethany brushes her teeth in the kitchen to avoid the sulfur water in the bathroom.

i won owen over quite easily, not that i'm rad or anything.  i'll just say favourite aunt and you know what i'm talking about.  smug, pleased, double chin look.  angus is proving more difficille.  he's warming up to me but at first he was making strange.  angus, i documented your birth.  i went two nights in a row with no sleep for you. remember when i babysat you?  you were perfectly content.  remember me? your favourite aunt?  we'll keep working on it.  sloan used to get mad at me for sitting next to him in his car seat on our road trip to calgary.  now he croaks my name over and over every time we skype.  not that i'm rad.  i'm not saying that i'm rad.

angus has hot meaty man paws.  he slaps them down stiffly as he crawls dragging his leg behind him.

ben is getting antsy.  he also just lost a bet.  just saying is all.


Sarah-Lynn said…
You are definitely a touch contender for the favorite aunt position. How can I compete against single fun and silly auntie Laura? My feet were also burning last night and I soaked them in cold water and it felt like they warmed the water up really fast. Still felt good though. It. Is. So. Hot. In. My. House. I think I know what you mean about hard water now.