we lazed around all day today and watched the royal wedding.  i didn't have much interest in it to start.  big deal, i thought.  but karey really wanted to see it, so i was game.  in the end i'm glad i watched just to see all the crazy hats and 'facsinators'.  our royal wedding snack was of course trail mix.

we went to the temple in the evening to do initiatory.  my hair was too wet because my blow dryer broke just after i started using it.  i'm trying to recall how long i've had that blow dryer and i can't seem to remember, so it must be pretty ancient as blow dryers go.  i also despised the blouse i ended up wearing.  i need to alter it.  the arms are gaping holes and it's too big and billowy, which isn't flattering a'tall.  but karey looked gorgeous.  she lost a lot of hair you know, and it's growing back with a definite wave.  it looked so pretty but she's convinced it doesn't look good down.  she's blind when it comes to herself sometimes.

the initiatory ladies didn't know we were coming but they accommodated us as best they could, but we weren't there for very long. i suggested we go to a movie.  i've been wanting to see soul surfer.  we went straight to the theatre in langley so we could still get into the early show, although we felt a little weird about going in our skirts, especially me in my ugly top, but oh well we didn't know anyone there, right?  the movie really moved me.  i cried throughout.  i had no idea that there was going to be anything about faith and religion in it, but it was very much connected to the story.  at the end karey saw me wiping away some tears.  "you cried?" she asked (she seemed surprised), "uh i cried all the way through!"  i was surprised she didn't notice.  i mean she even asked me if i made a noise once when i was trying to swallow back the crying one time.  ha.  so anyways, i loved the movie.  i love those kinds of stories.  they inspire me.

on the way home we stopped to eat at subway.  karey was surprised that i still get them to cut it the 'old way'.  i was surprised she doesn't.  we tried the raspberry cheesecake cookie.

well #1 it's an early day tomorrow and #2 i'm wearing my hydradew mask to bed, so goodnight buddeees.


Beth-a-knee said…
I didn't even know about the royal wedding, but cottoned on pretty fast on the actual day. I have to admit that I was interested...I really wanted to see the dress (and it was really pretty!)