
today i did not wake up in a grey bubble. i woke up with peace and joy. i didn't even worry that i slept an hour later than i was planning to.  first of all, isn't it great to wake up and it's light out?  i love that.  i love the spring feeling that's in the air.  spring is an awakening a rebirth and i'm ready to wake up and deliver.

secondly i went to the temple yesterday and that made all the difference.  the temple is a place i can go to lay down my burdens of stress, dreariness, insecurity, and that feeling i get sometimes like i'm lost.  in the temple i'm found.  i know who i am--i'm a beloved daughter of god and he finds special ways to tell me.  peace infuses my heart and i'm bolstered and strengthened on all sides.  i leave a new person and i'm not sure exactly how it was done except i was in god's house and he changed me.  that's some good stuff.  the temple is good stuff.

this time it was katie, brent, jordan and tracy and i.  we met doug and delanie out on the grounds having a picnic with their whole fam-damly.  madelaine was going home with katie and brent. so we took her with us and we all went to red robin with some people from jord's ward.  doug and del met us there later after they ditched the kids somehow.  i once again had the mediteranian lamb.  i love med-flavours.  i think i was meant to be mediterranian.  but first i have to learn to spell it.  anywho i drank like 4 glasses of freckled lemonade just because i could.

today was a big day.  at 8am i had a meeting with the stake primary presidency because today was our ward conference.  then at 9am i had choir practice/warm-up for our presentation--my first alto performance.  then i was conducting during the visit of pres soll and the stake ladies to our primary and finally we had a teacher's training afterwards to which i brought a fruit platter and dip (cool whip mixed with raspberry jam. yum). i also lead a discussion on reverence.  i enjoyed the reverence bit.  i read some articles on reverence last night to prep myself and i liked it.  reverence is good.  reverence is respect mingled with love, as president McKay said.

not all the teachers came but the ones who did come opened up and we had some good discussion.  i love discussion.  i`m all about the group communication, the sharing of ideas.  like it.  then we stood around the table and pigged out.  because i was so hungry everything tasted like the best ever--especially the spinnach dip and sourdough bread--hello.  i left feeling uplifted and sunny.

during the bishop`s talk today he said it`s better to remember our blessings rather than recount our problems. i like that.  because, he said counting your blessings gives you hope.  hope is good.

yesterday AND today i wore my new shirt.  this morning when getting ready i realized that i had a flower that matched it perfectly.  it`s one i made at katie`s during girl`s weekend last year and i hadn`t glued it to anything as of yet.  so i quickly did and i wore it like this:

anwho, good sabbath everyone!


Sarah-Lynn said…
A very loverly display of your shirt and flower combo. Cool whip and raspberry jam sounds wonderful too. I agree about remembering blessings. I have to remind myself of that one a lot.
Beth-a-knee said…
you know what else is a good dip? Mixing yogurt with whipped cream. I love when I'm hungry and get to eat good food. It's much more satisfying to eat when you're really hungry, you know? What a lovely weekend you had! I want to go to the temple.
Karey said…
i like what your bishop had to say. so true. It's a good reminder.

Great shirt! we have good taste :)
amyleigh said…
I have so many blogs to catch up on. This is the first! And let me tell you, a TRUE delight. Yes indeed. (said in a congenial voice with raisin eyes)
I love the flower - a very pretty combo!