let me paint the scene for you.  i'm laying under big fluffy on my stomach.  it's murky in my bedroom.  the lights are off, and the window is open.  it's raining lightly outside.  i've already discarded my jeans and my support system. my hair is a veritable halo of frizz breaking out of my pony bun.  i'll give you a pony bun. my ears smell like felt pens.  to achieve the felt pen smell in one's ears, one must put drops in ones ears and then stop them up with a wad of toilet paper.

driving to work this morning i made a decision.  i took a firm stance with myself.  it was a bleak morning and i was haggard.  it was pure good fortune that i had woken up in time to rush around and squeeze in under the bell at work as it was.  we don't have a bell, besides a door bell that doesn't work, but you get the picture.  i'm going on a tv fast.  a week of no tv.  i think it will be good for me.  i've become too dependent on the shows.

yesterday i was getting out of my car and walking towards the back door when my member friend who speaks swedish jumped out of his car to hand me a small blue flower.  he said i was the first lady of the day so i got the flower.  a few minutes later a certain member who pretends she is the manager and sometimes hands us resumes with her son's name crossed out and her name written in, walked into the kitchen handed me a box of tim bits and said " this is for you!" and whipped away before i could say anything.  'what is going on here?!'  i exclaimed while stuffing a tim bit or two into my mouth.

during lunch time una and i talked over our schooling options.  i researched the option of getting a teacher's degree first and then getting the m.ed.  but  i don't have any of the prereqs.  you need math and labratory science and canadian history/politics for elementary school and you need two teachable subjects for high school, and unless they have liguistics and psychology, i'm outta luck.

you can get your masters of social work (randy's dream for me) in a two year program but i'd have to take two social working classes first.  una already has them.  but she doesn't want to go full-time.  she wants to be able to work at the same time.  there's the states, i said.  the states has a plethora of programs as opposed to the dearth of programs in canada.  but then it's super expensive.  una's thinking of the adlerian school.  it just seems to limited to me.  i dont' want to just get in somewhere.  i want the education i want.  ya, but i'm desperate said una.  i know how she feels. byu doesn't have a masters program for counselling but they do have a masters for marriage  and family therapy.  i'd like that but it seems like a limited degree--too specialized or something plus you have to take the gre which una says is brutal. una' considering online courses.  i really don't want an online counselling degree.  it's a people thing.

i think a professional degree like this should not be so hard to get into.  i wish it wasn't stuck in the education faculty of most schools.  of course they are teacher biased in their acceptance.  i liked how it was in applied psychology in the university of calgary.  well i guess this musing is el-boring for most.


Beth-a-knee said…
why is it so hard to get in? I don't understand why any school wouldn't be glad to have a lahbie. But taking a photography class is such a wun'nerful idea!! You should do that and then start earning some money from taking photos for people! It'd be so exciting!
Sarah-Lynn said…
Nope not boring. I didn't realize it was that hard to get in somewhere. Sheesh. That's a nice new skin you got yourself there. Does your tv fast mean no movies too?
Karey said…
Calgary Calgary Calgary!!!!
I feel like i have been on a tv fast. i haven't watched tv in so long. too busy. It's kind of nice.
Andrea said…
Not boring for me. I agree with the musings. Its ridiculous. I know I've told you lots of times about my friend who did the Adlerian thing. She tried to get into lots of places first and had very good grades. She really, really liked the Adlerian thing. Its nice you can keep working at the same time. And she bought me lots of the class materials which I have found very good and useful. What do you want to do with your degree? If you want to do counselling, the BYU one is probably pretty good. That was my original plan when I first decided to become a counsellor in 1984. In the mid-'80's I thought that was a very good program. Also, I took several social science type courses at BYU and I really liked them. I think they have stood the test of time very well, too. I still use the stuff I learned there. It was very practical.