swallowed up in joy

i've got the joy in my heart this morning.  i love christmas time!  i've had my last day of work and now i get to give christmas my full attention.  i have so much to do.  so many preparations, projects, shopping and events.  there's a risk.  it's happened to me before.  i start getting stressed out.  i start worrying that i can't do it all.  that's when christmas magic starts slipping away.  this year i'm resisting.  i may not be able to do it all.  i'll just do my best and most of all take the time to revel in the love and peace that can fill up my heart at this time of year.

sarah cut and coloured my hair when she was here. at first i had fears about it.  it was just starting to feel long--that stage when the curls start lengthening rather than bunching outwards.  any snip large or small may wreck the fragile ecology of my hair.  after it was cut i had fears too.  it seemed a lot shorter and i didn't get to style it so it dried weird.  however, i'm happy to say that all fears have been vanquished.  it's a tiny bit shorter but not so much as you can really notice and the ends are nice and happy and the colour!  i love it!  i'm thriving with it.  36, flirty and thriving.  :)  it's a lot lighter.  it's good.  i see that it is good.  thanks sarahsister. preshiate chya.  sure do love ya.

last night i went with lisa and her son to pick out a christmas tree and then i helped lisa decorate it, which was fun because i never get to do it anymore.  on the way to lisa's i was talking to martha on the phone and on the way home i was talking to katie.  don't worry, i was using my hands free, but worry because while talking to katie (i was very tired) i almost turned left right into traffic because i thought there was a green arrow and there really wasn't.  that freaked me out as well as the driver of a little silver car who showed it with excessive honking which i couldn't really blame them for.  so talking hands free when you're super tired is not a good idea.  it's the first time anything like that's happened to me.  i'm glad i made it home safely.

so i've saved up enough save-on points and yesterday i picked up my brand new vacuum!!  it's a bissel vacuum with a special attachement  for picking up pet hair--good no? (french maid accent).  joy of joys.  i have a vacuum!

ok, well i'm off to do the many things i have to do.  i'm leaving you with a joy scripture that i've enjoyed recently:

alma 33:11

And thou didst hear me because of mine afflictions and myasincerity; and it is because of thy Son that thou hast been thus merciful unto me, therefore I will cry unto thee in all minebafflictions, for in thee is my joy; for thou hast turned thy judgments away from me, cbecause of thy Son.


Andrea said…
Be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead 1 Peter 1:6

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to and end; they are new every morning... Lamentations 3:22-23
LeashyLoo said…
Hooray! You have a vaccum! We have a DYSON and is the master of all vaccums! Your bissel will become you new best friend.
eryn. said…
i'm glad you have a vacuum... no more borrowing!!! yay!!! i'm excited for you to get the package from my mom for christmas... i added a little something to it for you!!!!
amyleigh said…
good luck on the Christmas preps, Joyus! love: Speshul