jord and tracy kwiki


Beth-a-knee said…
I know it was just a 'kwiki' but these pics are GORGEOUS. I love the first one and the close up of Isiah and the close up of Jane are simply too cute for WORDS.
ok ok.... I see how it is.... in the mean time I just have ONE pictures of our family :S
Andrea said…
So cute! I like the fam pic from above because it doesn't show Jord with a double chin. And wow, Isaiah is getting so big! And I have to say (because you know I will) that I think he still looks like Uncle Allen. (at least his middle name is not Leroy!) Its something about how his eyes are. And I LOVE that last picture of Jane!
eryn. said…
oh my goodness! those are awesome pictures. and isaiah is SO much bigger than the last time i saw him. he isn't a baby anymore!