super freak! the girl's a super freak!

i'm a relatively calm person. a lot of things don't phase me. i mean do get an occassional case of cabin fever at times, but on the whole i'm calm waters. you may disagree but this aint your blog, man. :) however i freak out when it comes to things like doing my taxes and applying to grad school. what is the deal? grad school application makes me into a total fffreak out. i would rather not have the drama, but my insides get all freaky and i can't help it. i may appear to be ok to the casual observer but on the inside my organs are freakin. i don't know where all the fear comes from. the mere idle thought about applying, and a geyser of fear gushes up causing my liver and gall bladder and spleen and kidneys, and probably appendix to freak out. i was hoping this year i wouldn't freak out. i mean i did it last year. i conquered the fear with Heavenly Father's help, last year. this year i'm back to page one of the freak out freakology text.

super freak: i can't do it.
me: you have to do it.
sf:i can't.
me: but you have to.
sf: i'm not going to because i am not able.
me: if you don't do it you'll spend the rest of your life doing what you're doing now.
sf: i know, but i can't apply.
me: what's the big deal?! just apply!
sf: i want to, but i can't.
me: i can't work with you.
sf: you have to or you'll never apply.
me: but you said you won't apply!
sf: you need to make me.
me: i can't. you're impossible.
sf: you have to.
me: i'm going to knock your teeth out.

needless to say the time is here and i have to act and this is causing super freak out girl to well freak out. i wish i was one of those people who just did things like apply to grad school as a matter of course with no freaking out and with very great skill. i think that might be the problem. i think i just can't do a good enough application to get in and that freaks me out. i wish i could just write the admissions committee in my letter of intent and say "look, i'm going to be honest with you here. this application may not seem super special. but i can't make it reflect how much i'll love this program. how zealous i'll be about it. how in it with my whole heart and soul i'll be. i couldn't find a way to portray that given the chance, i'll eat breathe live this stuff and let it transform me. i can't wait to learn this stuff. i want to apply it. i want to be it. i never knew any of my professors does that have anything to do with how good of a counsellor i can become? i took stats twice--and i never got any scholarships does this doom me to a life stalled at a BA degree?? let me in! i'll show you! please please please please let me in. i think throwing in the begging at the end will really clinch it for me.

wish me luck.

super freak girl aside, i just got back from the house of dosas where i met elena for some yummy eats. a dosa is south indian cuisine. it's a crispy thin pancakey wrap thing with yummy fillings inside and tasty chutneys to eat it with. i got the chicken vindiloo and elena got the mixed veggie. i also got my customary mango lassi. the place was packed. it's a hopping dosa joint. our food was placed in front of us in about 5-10 minutes after ordering. i think 5 actually. our dosas only cost 8.99 but when we got the bill it said 5.99. we pretty much think our waiter fancied us. so it was a sweet cheep meal and i had a good time catching up with elena and chit chatting, as elicia would say. it was nice to have a break from supah freak.

i'm going to go heat up some wax and then completely remove my eyebrows. i think it will make me feel better.


Sarahstottle said…
Yes, once eyebrowless applying will be no problem. I was actually just wondering to myself about you applying to get in for your masters. I was thinking "hey, isn't it that time of year? I wonder why she hasn't mentioned it" Are you applying to more than one school this time? I felt the same way when Kyle was applying to schools (not the sf part) about how if they just knew how passionate he'd be, and look deeper than just the grades, they'd know he'd be a great architect. I think it's dumb, the things they focus on, like being "in" with one of your professors. I really want you to get in somewhere! You can do it. Tell super freak to get lost.
Andrea said…
Hey Laura, sistah! I'm rooting for you. We all have a super freak somewhere. Knowing you conquered SF once will make it easier in the end. Sending a big sister's love and calming, confident, trusting vibes your way.
amyleigh said…
You're so talented and passionate about it I know you can do it. Just put yourself out there and it'll happen! Picture yourself getting it. I believe in you l'bee.