chicken tenders

one time i came upon mom, crying. she smiled apologetically and explained that she had been reading her special letters. she has a collection of letters from her children. the kinds of letters children write to parents when they get to that point where they realize how wonderful their parents are and how thankful they are for them etc. she had a pile of them folded up and stuffed in her scripture case i believe. when mom has the kind of bad day that mothers have when they worry and fear for their beloveds she sometimes reads her letters.

me, i have a folder in my hotmail entitled tenders. that's where i keep the love that special people have sent me. and sometimes when i am feeling blue and on the brink maybe, of forgetting who i am i read them and i get to see myself from the eyes of someone who loves me and sees me in a whole different way than can sometimes get reflected back at me in this crazy world. i think heavenly father gives us family and people who love us to give us little reminders and tastes of how he sees us. so we don't get lost in our own self doubts and the cold view of the world. i was watching or reading something recently--i can't remember what, but a woman was saying that love is all that matters. love changes everything. love saves. so true. it saves me all the time.

i want to be that woman that my loved ones see.


Sarah-Lynn said…
tenders? ha ha! That's a funny name for them and yet so fitting for you! I don't know if I ever wrote such a letter to Mom or you and now I feel guilty. I feel like I just watched or read the same things about love. Did we read the same thing? Was it NieNie's blog?
Laura said…
was it in conference? i don't know!
Beth-a-knee said…
I keep special letters in my scripture case too. You are the woman that your loved ones see!