
yes a nap is wrong. it's immoral even. that is, for me at this time in my life. please see post below.

guys may not understand this, not that i have tons of guy readers, but still, but i feel so tired that i want to cry. i NEED to cry. i WILL cry. not now, but probably later when i watch something like little women, or a commercial with a baby in it. or if someone makes me laugh--it will be followed by a good cry. i already feel the cry in the back of my throat waiting for an opportunity. any opportunity will do. and i'm not sad. i'm tired. i'm perfectly sunny in disposition. chipper even. but oh so tired. the thing is, i was tempted yesterday and i succumbed--i had a nap. a 2 hour nap. and that's what led me to at 12am put on a movie. and at 2am although i was yawning like crazy, it took me a while to fall asleep (i finally shut all my windows yesterday btw. sad day). so i slept as long as possible this morning. no work out. "i'll do it after work." i said to myself. ask me now if i feel like working out. go ahead ask me. ask me--it will probably make me cry. the thing is--i'm still at work and we closed an hour and a half ago. i've been on my feet all day without more than a ten minute break. i've been in charge of, involved in and directing in making pies for thanksgiving dinner. my baker guy wanted to make pumpkin and apple pies. i was all "yah! no problem!" because i like an ambitious project. we made 8 pies and 12 pastry shells. peeled buckets of apples... we had stuff left over so i made little tarts, and i'm here waiting for the last pumpkin pie to come out of the oven. and i'm tired. have i mentioned how tired i am? and that i'm going to cry at the least provocation? don't test me.


Sarahstottle said…
You know, I was going to comment on your last post that there is no such thing as a little nap for you, especially when there is no one around to insist that you wake up over and over until you do, therefore making the nap wrong. I hope you're all caught up on sleep now, you naughty girl. I know sometimes it can be so hard to not give in to the pull of a nap, especially when deliriously tired, but you must.
Beth-a-knee said…
yes. You must be strong. Not that I can talk. I am myself mistress of 2 hour inappropriate naps. But when it comes down to it, in my heart of hearts, I prefer a 15-30 min nap. Enjoy the good cry when it comes!
amyleigh said…
I like a 45 min nap myself. But of course i'm the same as you and 'fub and usually will pass out for hours. Wow, what a lot to get done in one day. No wonder you're tired! It's nearly impossible to work out after such a day.