
i'm sad today. and i'm sad that i'm sad today because today was so beautiful, so full of possibilities and i'm spending it being sad. but i guess everything has it's season just like it says in ecclesiastes. i know in my head that i just have to get through the sad day and there will be happy days beyond but right now in my sadness, i don't see them. i don't see anything. i just have to have faith that they are there and faith that i will make it through sadness. sadness after all isn't the end of the world. it's an emotion that needs to be felt too. right?


amyleigh said…
you should snuggle up in your blanket of lovin', puuuuure lovin' and think about a round pea that loves you lots
Andrea said…
Hey, I love you, little sister. And it sounds like hormones to me. I've been starting menopause and have experienced anxiety like never before. And when I am driving home and imagining all my sheep are dead ... I remember that it is hormones and this is just anxiety and although I still feel it, it makes it easier... and the sheep are always okay... so far.
Beth-a-knee said…
And remember there will be more beautiful days that you will take adavantage of.
katie said…
haha, i was thinking hormones too, but more like pms not menopause.
LeashyLoo said…
Unfortunately you are right - sadness does need to be felt. It can be a difficult emotion to deal with though. The sadness will pass though and brighter times will come. Love you lots Laursie....I sure do miss you man...:)