spider saga continues

last night edith and i got back from the ok around 9:30 pm in the rain. we trucked in our various purple nurples, flats of apples and free televison sets etc and i fed the ravenous felines. then we put together the new tv and dvd player. well i tried and it didn't work and then edith tried and it did. good thing i took her home with me eh?

edith expressed a desire to see her suitcase wrapped in her pink robe that she left with me and i pointed her towards it's location. a location which just so happened to be beside my bed. she unwrapped the suitecase and lo--a huge spider INSIDE. we screamed and i gripped her arm hard. we tried to get the cats to kill it but it was almost as if they had no idea what we wanted. too bad i had already fed them. nothing like an empty stomach to remind a cat what it's job as bug warrior is all about. so i took my bride's made shoe and i psyched myself up and i whapped it super hard and then i jumped up and down and screamed. i'm not proud of what i become reduced to when it comes to the bug world. it's just who i am and i have to confess it.

something has to be done about these spiders. someone should really do something about it. i should get a petition started.

on a new serious note, i read an article in the province today about a man who saved his pregant wife by turning his car to receive the full impact of the oncoming out of control car coming towards them. he died and she and the baby were saved. it made me cry. in that split second he was a true husband and a true father and just a person who loved more than he loved himself.


amyleigh said…
That is horrible about the spiders. Horrible.

Thanks for sharing that story - it gave me goosebumps to think about. What a brave and incredible thing to do. I'm glad to know there's love like that out there :D
Beth-a-knee said…
Yes...gave me goosebumps too.

You should actively begin to look up ways to get rid of the spiders. I thought you were going to get those sticky spider traps? It'd be horrible to see what they caught, to be sure, but better than having those things crawling about.
Sarahstottle said…
oh my goodness. I would have freaked out just like you if it were me. In fact I believe I've acted the exact same way. I'm scared for you.
Karey said…
you got a TV?
Andrea said…
I got her one off of freecycle just like an hour before she had to leave!