a saturday at home

it's been a nice day despite locking myself up at home. i had opportunity to go out indeed. edith and nikki were gallivanting around town and i was free to join them. i decided to stay home and get things done. then buddaloo invited me via text to go with them to her aunt's eid party. "what does one do at such a party?" i texted her back. "only eat!" she replied. i'll tell you i was sorely tempted. but i stayed at home. "daman will be crushed." fatima warned. "i hate it when i disappoint him." i confessed.

well i did manage to get some work done on my place despite thousands of ways to divert myself. the kitchen is what i worked on and i'm quite happy with what i was able to do. good job self! why thank you self!

later edith and nikki came back and we played some trivial pursuit which was too lengthy and then nikki left us and edith and i were left to our hunger. i had a twonie so we splurged on pizza by the slice, came home and watched pride and prejudice. is there anybody as affable as mr. bingly? so thoroughly, sunnily, affable! and mr. darcy--so intense.

i can't believe it's been a week already since i was in vernon visiting andrea, jointly with karey and shauna, and going to edith's backyard non-wedding day, sans the groom celebration of hungarian foods. i really must be middle aged because time just flies by so quickly these days.

a super brief recap of that weekend:

andrea and i had some late night talks that sent the others to snoozeville. we went to the famed o'keefe ranch, rode the famed statue horse, had the tour of the famed mansion. andrea made us the yummiest apple german pancakes with apples from her 'orchard'. :) karey slept while i watched australia in bed late into the night, we had a successful family photo shoot--well i'll let you judge just how successful it was. we also watched dean and andrea butcher a rooster. it was quite educational. rhiannon and i did more stories of course. they're so addictive.

my favourite hungarian dish was an egg noodle pasta dish that was like open perogies on pasta. sooo yumzors deluxors! my favourite incident of edith's bash was the strange man dancing with nikki as he hugged her goodbye.

of course it was the best to be with my pal karey who insists on living in the barren land of alberta. she has no right to live there. unfortunately it was too cold to go swimming in kal lake wearing our twinsie suits. we'll have to do it next year.

behind me edith was heard exclaiming and muttering, "my arm is fuzzy. it's a nice fuzzy though. i like it. fuzzy-wuzzies....ok that's enough. weird."


Beth-a-knee said…
sounds like a fun trip, with delicious food and fun company! I haven't heard 'yumzors deluxors in so long! Brings me back!
amyleigh said…
hahaha, that's so funny. I've always secretly enjoyed my own arm fuzz.

umm...open perogies on pasta??!?! YES SIR!