flying wedge pizza--i like it.

not being able to play a long awaited dvd just out of quarantine--hate it.

last night i found another huge crumpled spider beside my bed--at the wheel which lies directly under where my head rests. i do honestly pray for spider protection. whether the great God is answering me by killing them before they reach me or using my cat's fat furry paws, i don't know. i'm just thankful. or maybe i go on sleep walking spider killing hunts. you never know...

did i tell you that a couple of weeks this new member, a chinese guy, came to our unit meeting one morning and he said to me that i looked like mona lisa. i've never had that one before. "do i have a secretive smile?" i asked. i think it was that my hair was tucked behind my ears. sometimes it's as basic as that.

the other guy--the one that i offended. he's staying away. i feel sad about it.


Beth-a-knee said…
I'd be so horrified about the spiders! You need a better tv prob'ly for your dvds to work.
Laura said…
i know. also you left baby einstein here.
eryn. said…
you've been blogging up a storm. tyler would share in your disgust with the spiders. he screams like a little girl when confronted with one. hopefully your little home is shaping up to be nice and cozy. it always feels so good when you get all organized and settled.
amyleigh said…
I love that cats kill spiders.