disturbing dreams

just woke up from a nap and a dream. a dream that archie hated me and was trying to electrocute me. then i realized that i had to electrocute him first. we were enemies. i kept wondering why he wanted me dead. if i zapped him he would then try to zap me with the charge in his body. he was very determined about it. finally i just got mad and told archie he couldn't kill me with his body and to quit it.

i just remembered another dream. a dream where somehow at the border me and 2 other girls who were my room mates, picked up this guy and took him home with us. he kept hitting on me but i was just ignoring it hoping he would stop, and thinking that he was going soon anyways. then he leaned down and kissed me on the cheek right beside my mouth. i hoped nobody noticed. then he did again and said "that's what i like about you. you don't pull away or flinch". i felt embarrassed that the other girls would notice that i let him kiss me on the cheek even though i didn't like him. so i wrote him out directions to go home and i wrote how i didn't like him to kiss me but i wrote it on this paper that was the same colour as my pen and you could only read it if you tilted it a certain way. there was also something with some caramel that i don't quite get... so i walked him out to his truck and when we opened the door there was a little slip of a kitten there and i said to the guy "that's not supposed to be out here." and hi picked it up by it's head and plopped it inside. before he left there was an awkward kiss that i felt forced into and i went inside glad it was all over.

uhhh weird. i wish i was one of those people that had enjoyable dreams.


Sarah-Lynn said…
Hilarious dreams! A cheek kiss right by the mouth? Why cant you have dreams about handsome men? Not weird yucky guys who pick kittens up by their heads and toss them around!
amyleigh said…
No kidding! But I've had dreams similar to that second one, where I'm a shy girl being sort of taken advantage of by some guy I don't like at all, but I can't get that message across.

I have to say the Archie dream, although disturbing, is also hilarious. I can just picture his fur crackling with electricity :D