"Back of every creation, supporting it like an arch, is faith. Enthusiasm is nothing; it comes goes. But if one believes, then miracles occur." --Henry Miller

i saw that quote the other day and i liked it. thought i would share it. here you go--help yourself to some of this quote. i think it's really true and i had never thought about it quite that way before.

edith is behind me on the couch playing cards by herself.

archie is curled up like a bun by the kitchen door way.

izzy is most likely cozy on my bed.

i've been editing photos like a lunatic.

today i made up the most delicious bean salad at work. black beans, red onion, corn, lime zest, lime juice, olive oil, cilantro, little garlic, little dijon, titch of salt, tad of peppah--voila! it was the best ever.

edith and i walked to the dike and back today. there was something smelly happening at the dike polluting our breathing with sewer smells. that shouldn't be allowed. i said i was going to write to the mayor. i started it thus, "dear mayor brodie, thank you for giving my dad some of your shirts, nevertheless i demand that something be done about the bathrooms on the dike..."

i'm going to go read in bed and then fall asleep....hopefully.


Sarahstottle said…
mmm I want to try making that bean salad!!
I like that quote too, and don't mind if I do help myself to it, and I also like your letter to the mayor. Right to the point.
Beth-a-knee said…
BEAN salad, you notice.

I like that quote. It's true. It gives a new meaning to all the unfinished stories on my computer.
amyleigh said…
Mmm, that bean salad? I think you should add some coconut milk and curry paste, maybe some tofu or chicken, steam up some rice and there you go!!! I'd put it in a wrap, but that's just me. I love me a wrap.