
i'm fighting the nap feeling. the cats are no help--sprawled out cozily on different surfaces. all they care about is pleasing themselves. i'm a little jealous of them sometimes. to achieve the depth of languidness and the positions of liquid comfort that they achieve! that's art. put that up on the gallery wall.

today i got in a little confrontation with a member at work. it's a member i work with all the time and now that i'm home and thinking about it, i feel badly about it. this member was doing something he shouldn't and i stepped in and corrected it--which i still feel was the right thing to do. but then this person was upset and this is where i feel i could have handled it better. the member ended up leaving early which rarely happens and later phoned to say they wouldn't be coming in the next day which never happens. i wonder if i was with it enough to answer in a softer more persuasive way maybe i could have done more to diffuse the situation. at the time i was taken up with defending my actions and not the way this person must have been feeling. and i wonder if i cared more about saving the relationship if it could have ended better. i mean i know this person still would have been upset but i rather think i brutishly escalated the situation with my "i don't care--you were wrong." bluntness. sigh. maybe one day i'll be get to a point where i have these thoughts arrive in time to listen to them. i actually like this person and don't want to be estranged from them. i don't like estrangement.

i'm having oatmeal for supper. it's not wrong if you think it is.

the unpacking of my house has come to a standstill and it oppresses and worries me but i do nothing about it. i might sort the socks all over the floor tonight. i might do that.

i've discovered jango and i like it. have you discovered jango?


Andrea said…
You need a sister or a good friend to come help you unpack. I would come... but 400 km's separate us... I have not discovered Jango and oatmeal for supper sounds good except I hate oatmeal...
Lady of Light said…
I would help you unpack if your cats didn't have it in for me.
Beth-a-knee said…
oatmeal is so bland. that's all i have to say about that. I often wish the same thing, after I speak rash words. sigh.