hug a wall day

today i wore my butthuggers. it was cool enough to wear jeans and so i tried on about 7 different tops before pairing the plunging neckline with the butthuggers. i wasn't completely happy with it, but it's silly to expect perfection.

the thing is after about a month of sleep deprivation i did NOT have a nap after work and i went to bed at 8:30. woke up at 5:30 with my bedroom blinds open and lay in bed looking at the world brighten as i curled and sprawled in my bed.

eventually i did get up. archie and izzy perked right up. when i get up they think "food?????!!!" i scoffed at them. "ha!" i said to them. instead i flicked on the light and climbed back into bed to study my scriptures. lately i've been starting my study by jotting down whatever's on my mind. whatever worries, thoughts or burdens. i've been jotting down my whatevers and then noting if anything i read whispers to me. i dig this kind of study. totally dig it. once i dug a guy in my swedish class. remember? i don't remember his name but i remember his eyes and hair because--i dug them.

once done with my study time i decided to get up for reals and do some start it up. again i scoffed at archizzy as they whirled about my feet. "haHA!" i said to them. i got in a tizzy about finding my work-out pants. i couldn't find them! all my clothes are in garbage bags and suitcases and piles--it's not pretty. when things got desperate i called a time-out on the freak-out. "look, you live alone! forgo the pants!" "oh. right." i said momentarily stunned by the sheer genious with which i handle a freak-out situation. so i brushed my teeth like i meant business, still enjoying the tongue texture back rubby thing (if you don't know what it is, i can't tell you. it's a secret). swooped up my stringy curls in a ponytail and marched out to the living room keeping up a steady stream of scoffs at the cats the whole time. after all this, it wasn't to be. i cannot yet use my dvd player and the worldwideweb site was acting like a jerk--starting and stopping every five seconds. "i can't work out like this" i said. "besides my time's up." i replied. so i had a shower instead.

at work i cut up and wrapped the cream cheese pound cake. we made it the day before. me and my baking crew. mah posse o bakers. the time before we made ubc cinnamon buns and this time rob, aka one of zee bakeeng mahnz, said it was boring in comparison. anyways, i will tell you if you are willing to hear--cream cheese pound cake is:
a) heavenly
b) traditionally a pound of butter, a pound of sugar, etc... ie. a couple pounds of flesh added to your fleshiness
c) a cake that takes forever to bake. (please note the 4x rhyme in this sentence). i baked mine for over an hour and a half and i still had to cut off doughy parts when cutting and wrapping the cakes.

i also ate a lot of the doughy parts.

today we made pork chops. the title of our chops is "smokin' succulent pork chops", and i'm not kidding. that's it's name! we didn't make it up--honest engine. it's a hellman's mayo recipe. you can find it if you look up hellman's mayo recipes on the worldwideweb. it's killer combo is lime juice (i added zest as well), cilantro, chili powder, garlic and mayo. i also marinated it overnight in lime juice et zest and salt/pepper/garlic. i'm crazy like that. i'm not going to lie to you--they were pretty tasty.

i was in the thrift store this morning. i'm currently deeply involved in a project of love in the thrift store. i call it "organizing the pants". i've already revolutionized the jeans. we used to have the jeans on this rack, folded over hangers--hangers that couldn't bear their weight, and nobody bought jeans. it's because that whole area was unwieldly. it was hard to browse. who wanted to fight a whole wrack of jeans just to see if there's even a pair your size! no one that's who. so i took them off the rack. i threw away a bunch of duds. and i folded them up and put them on a shelf according to size, with an avery envelope label running down the length of the jeans with the size written on it. well the whole thing is pretty rad if you must know. today i turned to the pants wrack. and i began to label them as well with the avery envelope sticker just on the fold of the pants and racked them up like size with like size. i don't want to brag but i have to! the whole thing is the best thing our thrift store pants have ever experienced.

i was mid pants project of love when randy waltzed through the doors. randy is known to waltz through the thrift store doors every once in a while. we had a little chat and i told him how i called him last week and got urusula instead and he said he and karen (that's his WIFE. once i forgot so i'm reminding YOU) would be having people over some time in the fall. "for nachos?" i asked as i wrote "1.50-14-14-14-14-14- 1.50" down the label of a pair of pants. "yeah, we'll wait until the weather cools a little bit. it's still pretty hot up there." randy said taking the nachos comment all in stride. i hope we do have nachos and i don't care who knows it.

in the afternoon i took two guys to the upper floor of the food bank and we listened to qmfm while wrapping teflon tape around metal plugs and putting labels (also avery) on little baggies. it was hot and stuffy up there and yet cool and delicious outside with a breeze that felt almost liquid in it's refreshment ability. as we walked back to the clubhouse i gloried in it.

once a month there's a dinner on thursday nights at the clubhouse. i'm not involved unless they ask me to do a skit, of which i've done 3 over my 6 years, so it's not regular work. anyways it's all about employment. on thursdays when these dinners are on and the kitchen is full of people doing their thing and we don't have to close down and are all done our work, i feel like leaving early and i said as much to kaz as he sat at the computer his back to me. "don't you feel like leaving early on TEP days?" i asked him. sometimes contraction questions are lost on kaz who does not mark the subtle all important differences involved. i was glancing over the metro newspaper and so did not notice him log off of the computer and grab his man purse. "let's go!" he said with a jubilant whisper. i looked up in alarm. just because i feel like it, doesn't mean i'm going to leave 15 minutes early without permission even though i was going to sit there and do nothing. "it's too early to leave!" i said to kaz. he did a face plant on the freezer. then he logged back on to the computer a dejected shell of a man who owns a man purse. we did sneak out the side door at 3:57 but that's no big deal is it.

i know my blogs are long. i know they seem daunting when you look at them. i'm not sorry though. deal with it! :)

there's a finnish man at work who speaks swedish. we speak swedish together sometimes. not a lot but a few sentences here and there. he's a very nice man. he's so nice that he gave me a swedish novel to read! like that's nice! he gave it to me yesterday and i came home and promptly started reading it. it's the reason i didn't fall asleep after work. i had to read it sitting at the computer to look up the words i didn't know. i'm so excited to be reading a swedish book given to me by a finnish man, you don't even know.

ps the henna on my hands is mostly gone. it's down to some pale orange on my fingers. at first glance it looks like my hands are dirty. which they may very well be at any given moment of the day, but not from the henna.


Sarah-Lynn said…
Good, you shouldn't be sorry.

Those pork chops sounded delish!!! You always create many a yummy at work, and you also obviously deserve a pat on the back for your "jeanious" jean organization too.

I was totally thinking "So? Don't wear any pants!" when I read your work out pant problem.
eryn. said…
i was also on the 'why don't you just not wear pants?' train. that's the best part of not having roommates. not worrying about your state of dress when at home. and not closing the bathroom door. hahaha. sometimes though, when i am in the living room watching tv or something in my underwear, and someone knocks on the door... that sucks, because i can't go get clothes to answer the door because you can see through the window on the door... so i just have to pretend to not be home.
Beth-a-knee said…
first of all, sarah...'jeanious'?? how dare you.

what is an avery envelope sticker and why do you talk about it as if it were a well-known thing?

that pound cake sounds absolutely decadent.
Andrea said…
mmmm I want some of those pork chops. And I agree, why be sorry?