hazard of living alone: one can nap until the cows come home and there is no one to stop one. i have just woken up from a cows come home kind of nap. again, it took some laying there blinking in the darkness for a few minutes before i could come to grips with what day it was. my day time clothes were a good clue.

just before i woke up i was having a dream--imagine that. in the dream i was coming back from somewhere and i was in an airport. i was expecting some mail (i'm expecting some mail in real life too) and as i walked through the airport i kept getting little signs that the mail was coming. finally a mail man came up on one of those airport carts and gave it to me. how did he know exactly where i was? i thought. then i realized i of course was on the GPS map of the airport. of course. :) i was so excited to open my mail. it had a plastic pull tab to open...

i have no idea of the content of my mail because suddenly i was waiting with some people for mom and dad. when they arrived there i was so happy to see them and i hugged dad, who was being friendly but not hugging me back. he had his arms out to the side, not touching me and he was looking at jordan who was hugging mom. "why aren't you hugging me?" i asked him, confused. then it came to me, he was holding back because he was a missionary. "you're allowed to hug your daughters." i said. "but i wanted to hug him first." said dad. then he hugged me and said "before you hug anyone you have to think of your wife." ? then we all started planning about how we were going to get all our stuff to andrea's.

that was the dream. weird eh?

today was a friday and fridays are always better. fridays feel free and full of hope. hope of release. hope of freedom. :) i forgot to say that for baking on wedensday we made bananas foster cheesecake. i currently have bakers who like doing fancier things. so the cheesecake was really good. we used super ripe bananas and the funny thing is that people kept saying they tasted apple or pumpkin. funny.

also after i wrote about my house oppressing me i went and worked on it resulting in a much more livable bedroom. not that i'm done. but it seemed to free me to do it. just do it as president kimball and nike like to say.

i've been nursing a developing sore throat for the last 3 or so days. it's sore on one side. the left side if you must know. i wish it would beat it. beat it buster.


amyleigh said…
I've been napping a ton lately too. I get home from work and I just pass out. Shawn even TRIES to wake me up to no avail.
That is a funny dream. I like that it happened in an airport.
Beth-a-knee said…
neat dream. cheesecake sounds good. i'm glad you were able to organize a little of the chaos in your bedroom. it makes life so much more bearable sometimes.
Andrea said…
I must say that I have been enjoying a good nap these days, too! And I know what you mean about writing about how hard something is and then it somehow frees you to do something about it. I'm that way, too.
eryn. said…
i have also been very very tired lately... i don't get enough sleep. WEIRD dream man. haha. i like that you were all coming to my mom's.