Dear Mom and Dad,

I feel like you must be praying for me and as Heavenly Father's special servants your prayers must have more clout. Let me tell you some things that have happened:

I moved this past long weekend. It was hard to shoulder the responsibility of moving all by myself--with no friend to be in it with me, but I managed to get everything done and Brother Rayas and the missionaries came saturday morning to load up. They did a really good job of stuffing most of that stuff in there, using every crack and cranny. Saturday night I found out the guy who was moving out left the place totally filthy with lots of garbage and junk left in it. I was exhausted from cleaning my own place but luckily the landlord's wife and her in-laws cleaned it up so it was ready for me Sunday morning. On Sunday Lisa (my boss) met me and helped me move everything in and go back for a second load. She even brought cleaning products in case the place wasn't very clean. She totally went the extra mile with all the help she gave me.

Doug and Delanie were giving me their bed, a dresser, a freezer (perfect to freeze my bed bug books with) and a bookshelf, so i took apart my old bed and took it to the dump, keeping the foamie. Well today was the day Doug and Douglas came to drop off the stuff. When I finally got the door open, (i couldn't figure out my new locks) Doug's face told me something was wrong. He told me that they lost the bed on the way over. They didn't know what had happened to it. They just looked back and it was gone. I was really disappointed but I didn't want them to feel bad about it so I just shrugged it off. But I kind of felt like crying. I'd have to sleep on the floor on the foamie now. They gave me everything else and left. I phoned Karey and I was telling her about it. I had been so excited to get a queen sized comfy bed. Although I was disappointed, Karey and I both felt like something would work out. In my head I thought "the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord." He always has a way of taking care of me but I wondered how long I would be on the floor. "Maybe they'll find it on the way home." Karey suggested. "Oh yah, if it didn't kill someone when it fell off and got all run over and wrecked." I said. "Yah, Doug would probably forget to look for it anyways." said Karey. While I was still on the phone with her, Doug called. They found the bed! It had fallen off on the Richmond side of the Alex Fraser onto a clover field at an exit and it was fine. Can you believe it? Both the boxspring and the mattress were fine! So they got them and brought them to me and the only thing you can see is a little tear on the corners of the boxspring where it hit the road and Delanie sent a bed skirt so you can't even see it. I felt totally blessed beyond what I deserve. I gave Doug the foamie from my bed to use for their new tent-trailer adventure. One good thing the guy left was a little cot and roll up mattress to go on it so I have something when people come to stay.

Also a little thing:
This morning I was unpacking my kitchen because that's what I like to do first. It's a tall person's kitchen. The counters are high and the cupboards are really really high. I can't reach the top cupboards at all. I was throwing stuff up there. Now that I live alone, I talk to myself. "I'm going to need a stool." i said. Just when Doug was leaving the first time as an after thought he said "oh you dont' need this do you?" and pulled a rubbermaid stool out of the trailer. "yah! i was just saying that i need a stool for my kitchen!" i said, totally surprised. "Well Tracy must have heard you because she just threw this in last minute and said 'see if Laura needs this!'." Even the little things, hey?

Anyways I love you Mom and Dad. Thanks for your prayers. Heavenly Father is hearing them. I pray for you too.

love Laura


Beth-a-knee said…
I always unpack my kitchen first too! That's neat about the mattress and boxspring and stool. I'm glad you're all looked after. don't read c-jane, do you?
katie said…
what is it with you and your stuff flying away off of cars?
amyleigh said…
That's sooo awesome that they found the bed! I've had to sleep on the ground before (with not even a foamie), and it sure is luxurious to have a bed after that. I don't know anything about what's happening. Where are you moving to? And you're living alone now?