bugs are forever

this morning i made a gruesome discovery. i opened my back door. the door to my back yard. the door that is in the bottom corner of my bedroom. the door with a noticeable gap at the bottom corner where daylight and night time seep in. this is the door i opened. terry had promised to come to get the chin high load of garbage that was sitting under my bedroom window and i wanted to take my lawn chair inside in case it was collected with the garbage. it's almost garbage, but it's garbage i choose to keep for now. anyways, i opened my back door and there laying on the carpet by the gap, was the hugest, meatiest, longest-legged, crumpled spider. i like to think it died on hitting the forcefield of bug protection that envelops my room but it's more likely that one of the fatfurryfelines killed it in a bout of playful night time hunting. i love that the fatfurryfelines are bug hunters but the thing is their hunting comes and their hunting goes. bugs are forever. the lamb will lay down with the lion but will i ever spoon with a spider? not of my own free-choice. i can't see the day.

everywhere i look i see potential bug dangers in this place. this place with all it's gaps and wholes and cracks and slits could be a bug utopia. i'm growing paranoia like tomatoes in the hot house. rick at work told me he has those sticky sheets down and it catches all sorts of bugs. it makes me shudder to think of the daily gruesome discoveries i'll make but isn't it better than the reality of a creepy crawly highway/utopia in my living space? i think i'll get some.

i've got to think of a way to fill in that gap in the door. what about rodents??


Beth-a-knee said…
I wish there was such a thing as a force field protecting my house from bugs. One good thing about living here, though, is there aren't nearly so many nor so large spiders.
amyleigh said…
The other day a shrew crept in through our open door and into our bedroom (which is currently being used as the storage room and happens to have heaps of bags and some clothes). A SHREW. Luckily Shawn caught him right away under a cup and we threw him outside. He was so funny-looking, like a kangaroo mouse with an elephantine nose! Anyways, good luck with the bug highway.

Another thing that reminded me of you is the other day I heard a program on CBC specifically about bed bugs. A CBC deejay was being interviewed about her experience with them when she got them in her house, and it sounded sooo much like your experience! She too became super paranoid and slept out on the couch in full long-john attire in the summer. She described getting them as "crazy-making". Thought you'd be interested.
Sarahstottle said…
Amy- A Shrew??? You actually saw a shrew??! Alarming.

When we thought we had bed bugs the guy that came to check it out gave us a sticky thing to put under our bed. I was always afraid to look at it and find a huge spider stuck to it.