boring post

work has been crazy. it's often crazy but lately it's been super crazy. we lost a staff which whittled us down from 4.5 to 3.5 and then our .5 has been on vacation for the past 2.5 weeks and while he was gone he got hired to a full-time position upstairs. so it's just been the 3 of us and life has been crazy. today was particularly hard. we were just running around like headless chickens, to use the cliche, and on top of all this there were many extra demands on me having to do with housing and employment responsibilities. it's times like those--times when i feel like i'm already stretched to the max and then i get additional demands that i feel like i may spontaneously combust.

after work i ate strawberries and cottage cheese and fell asleep in the lazy boy by the open breezey window. i woke up two hours later and my first thought was "i slept here all night." but i didn't.

i threw away the litter box. the ammonia fumes coming from that thing were oppressive. i sprayed the bathroom down with the pet enzyme cleaner too so hopefully that will help with the rank situation.

then i went on a walk in my new hood. i just wanted to get out of the house so i wandered down windy roads--the residential streets of richmond make no sense. it's all a maze with limited ways out. i began to think i might be lost in this particular section against the golf course when finally i struck gold in reaching a major road. much of the time i was talking to lisa who is lending me her vacuum for the night about work and work issues and work possibilities.

this is a boring post.


Beth-a-knee said…
not boring at all. I love the glimpse into your every day life. I remember how when I used to work I'd have to have a massive nap afterwards. Really messes up a person's sleep schedule, uh?
eryn. said…
haha. i hate that waking up from a sleep in a panic, or thinking it is a complete different time than it really is.

going for a walk is the perfect excuse to get out of the house when you live alone!

and those sneak peak photos of fatima's wedding are so beautiful. she looks stunning. and i am so jealous of you getting to wear a sari! so pretty!