today we were working on fatima's veil. her veil's going to rock. she's a rockin' bride. she's a bride that rocks it. if her wedding was at len shepherd she'd be a rocker.

also i tried on my sari blouse and moninder tied my sari on me. i forgot what it looked like a little bit. after seeing it i thought "oh! i like it!". not only this but i impressed everyone one with my walking in a sari skill set. i can't wait to get my big dangly fancyshmancy indian girl earrings. i plan on doing a little rocking myself if you know what i mean.

shoes remain the issue. perhaps i'll just have to go bare foot. fatima can't have a problem with this.

right now what is happening: there is a HUGE ugly moth crawling on the other side of my screen. its underside grosses me out. i threw something at it and it popped off only to fly back and land with a thud. it's going to eat through the screen and lay eggs in my hair while i sleep jus to get back at me for popping it off.

for my move i now i have a tv but still need a vaccuum.

lately i think link-up is over advertising my pic. i'm making a lot of friends from third world countires.


eryn. said…
i am NOT a fan of moths. and i am seriously jealous of your getting to be in an indian wedding. they are so beautiful.
Beth-a-knee said…
ugh...landed with a thud! Yuck! Moths freak me out! I want to see lots of pics of the wedding and you in your sari, labee!!
Andrea said…
Keep an eye on Craigs List or Freecycle if you have it there. I got pretty good vacuum cleaners for both Eryn and Kaetlyn on there. Also, I have an extra one - Tyler's old one - its an old electrolux without the power head but other than that, it works great.