so it's getting down to the crunch. there are so many things i should be doing but i'm not doing them. i like to hike up anticipation and stress. it gets my mojo going.

today i puttered around the thrift store. it was non-eventful. then i worked hard at not falling asleep until work was done.

i came home and listened to some talks on the mormon channel while dozing.

edith and i went out for dinner. i can't afford to go out to dinner. i can't afford a hot dog at 7-11 right now. but edith is leaving before my next paycheque and she really wanted to eat at coast so we made a deal. our deal is that she pays for me. pretty sweet deal for me. no just kidding, she pays now and i pay later. my new hobby is paying later. i feel compelled to confess that i should get a credit card and let my friend's wallets rest. oh well. once this move and fat's wedding festivities are over things should get back to normal.

i met edith down town. just as i was finishing parking my car she called me in high freak out mode asking me if she needed to go north or south. frankly i didn't know north and south from east and west at that point. "north is by the water!!!" she kept wailing to me. "we're surrounded by water!!" i yelled back. eventually we figured it though and it ended with me yelling "go sooooooooooooooouth!!". haha

so we ate upstairs again way back at this small table against the wall. this time i chose crab cakes and so did edith. correction we got crab cake. it was in the singular but spectacular. i also got the octopus salad and it's taste was surprising and oh so good. i loved it. like the octopus was very very very good. it was a warm salad with teeny medallions of baby potatoes, peas and cherry tomatoes. loved it. can't say enough good about it.

that reminds me when we were at granville island picking up ersters sitting beside the ersters on ice was a whole huge octopus. who buys octopus? i'd like to be the octopus buying type, but alas i'm not. so i started talking to the guy about octopusesss in general. he was telling me how spooked out he is of them. how they crush sharks and eat them etc.

time to shake it like a polaroid pictcha. latah.


Mom E said…
the crab cake and little decorative salad was good. the lobster poutine and dessert sampler were a HUGE let down and i would give 'coast' a fail in meeting my wildly high expectations from the talk ups about it. i want my money back...well, they can keep the crab cake portion, but the rest-give it back
Beth-a-knee said…
you're always getting yummy-sounding seafood dishes. Well it's not fair.

just kidding. Anyhow, crunch time for what? Fatima's wedding? I can't wait to see the pictures. I wish I could go.