swap meet

on saturday we went to the swap meet. the swap meet is big deal. the aunts are big into the swap meet. especially aunty joanne. leading up to swap meet day it was not unusual to hear these kinds of conversations, "hey where can i get a thing-a-ma-jig?" "swap meet." "i wanna get a such and such." "oh you can probably find that at the swap meet." the swap meet is the end all and catch all folks.

we arrived there bright and early at 7:30 in the morning. the sun hadn't yet burned through the marine layer and it was chilly. if you get there early you don't have to pay to get in, so we waltzed right by the lady at the gate, who handed us coupons as we passed. the swap meet is massive. it's row upon row of vendors. vendors of all sorts. the aunts were equipped with a deep rolly cart for their finds. we stopped first at a place that was still setting up. boxes upon boxes of random things from slimming panties, to tinkerbell bags to bouncy balls etc. the dollar store type vendor. aunty joanne bought the tinkerbell bag.

i think our next stop was a purse place followed by a sunglasses place. sunglasses are big at the swap meet. they're plentiful and cheap. this place had funny ones along with their others and we amused our selves taking pics of ourselves in silly glasses. i can't really describe every place we visited because the truth is, we were there for seven hours. but there was clothing places, purse places, kitchen gadgets, perfume, drug store, car seat covers, knick knackies, jewelry, cars, houses even, produce, auctions,beds and couches--everything! the aunts went wild. especially aunty j. i bought a silver rose ring that i love. i kept getting compliments on it from the other vendors. karey and aunty s got these beautiful rose purses. there was a purse there that i loved. it was turquoise, flower fronted (if you know what i mean) and large, but had a silver ball clasp that i loved. i really wanted it, but didn't want to pay 42 big ones for it. the guy was offering no tax etc, but i still painfully said goodbye to the purse. loved it though. there was also this hat that looked really cute on me. it was gray and floppy with a flower. you know that kind of holey knit type? i didn't buy it but karey wanted me to. it was at this store that aunty sherry put us into side splitting laughter when she tried on a long hair extention hamming up the glam. karey got a belt at this cool place where you pick the buckle and the belt material, the guy measures you, and makes your belt right there while you wait. 8 buckeroos. i picked out a bruce lee buckle with a black star belt, but didn't get it. aunty sherry bought like five huge plants that we collected at the end cart full to overflowing, tree over her shoulder... we were quite the sight. at the end as karey and i were waiting for the aunts in the produce section, we asked this guy if we could share his table with him. he was all unfriendly --"really? come on." but then he offered to give us the shady side of the table. we eventually learned that his name was jeffery and that he had three kids and they were going to a birthday party after the swap meet.

i burned again. in different places. it bugged me. besides the burning, i had lots of fun. it was swap meet day.


Andrea said…
how can you have an aunty joanne if I don't?
eryn. said…
that sounds AWESOME!!!
Beth-a-knee said…
andrea, aunty joanne must be karey's aunt.
the swap meet sounds unbelievable! If only they had things like that around here! They really should.