san clemente beach

yesterday was beach day. beach days are my faves. we had so much fun and so many laughs. karey's aunt--aunty joanne is visiting as well. after sitting in the sun a while, on aunty sherry's super duper beach chairs, karey and i decided it was time to take the boogie boards and surf the waves. there's no easing into the water here. one step in and you are commited. a wave crashes in and you're done. no torture. just shock. anways karey and i had some fun time in the waves. we kept getting seperated and karey would call to me from closer to shore, "eeeva!" and i'd answer her with my arms outstretched "walley!" i got tossed around and creamed pretty good by the waves and loved every minute of it. one time i was totally riding a wave and one came in kind of sideways and shoved me off. another time karey and i were floating and the aunts came down the wade in to pee. and aunty joanne totally get's kocked down by the waves and tossed backwards and forwards and aunty sherry was killing herself laughing at her and then bam! she get's knocked flat. we all had good laughs all around. just before i came out i met these two boys. one said to me "hola seniorita". "hola senior". i said. "if you go surfing you're supposed to have a board." he said to me. (i had given mine to aunty jo). they were cute.

i got burned even though i put on sunscreen. forehead, nose and chest/shoulders/under-upper flubs. grrr.

we watched these boys skim boarding and wiping out. karey got a good shot of one.

we went to costco where i expertly fleshed out all the good taste testers. and where i realized that i burned my right knee really badly. like i must have missed it alltogether. back at the ranch we had a delicious tri tip bbq.


eryn. said…
sunburns are yucky. tyler got one yesterday - we were at the sunshine festival downtown. i TOLD him to put sunscreen on. he didn't listen. result - SUNBURN! sucker.

sounds like you're having a ton of fun!!
amyleigh said…
sounds like so much fun!! I miss my boogie board. I wish I'd never gotten rid of it. I can't believe you mentioned the aunts peeing in the ocean so casually. Isn't that super against your moral code??

A consolation of the burn is that you'll be a lovely goldeny-brown soon!