a terrible sense of na

i just tore a hole in my pj pants by pushing on them with my thumb. equals old pj pants. equals powerful thumb.

i've been working on photos all morning. it's been great. i haven't had time to sit down and work on photos for quite some time. i felt i was drowning in photos to do and that aint right. first of all it makes it un-fun. second of all if you've got a feeling of unfun way down in your heart, you're not going to put your joi d' vive into your photos. that's all i'm saying...to myself. listen up self.

anyways we went to the temple last night. i was worried about my strong cheese breath-and no gum, but needn't have worried. apparently it was a bad breath night at the temple. besides the bad breath i breathed in, i was very uplifted. i'm so happy to have a temple near. so happy i get to tap into that peace and stillness and joy any time i need to. and i need to all the time. i'm a needy person that way.

in D&C 109 there's a promise that we'll leave the temple more powerful. and i am! i have more power to do the things i need to do. more capable. more able. more sound of mind, heart and soul. gee, i sure love the temple. :)

today for work i go out to eat at nandos chicken. not a shabby assignment, i must say. i'm excited about this, and i'm excited about going to the island for some sister time. sister time! what is it about sisters that is so joyful? i don't chose to put a finger on it at this time, just name it--sisters are joy. ....i've got the joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart--where? down in my heart! i've got the joy.... (love you gramma!)

so i haven't said on here, but my new calling is 2nd counsellor in primary. day before yesterday i went to the surrey stake centre (it's still weird for me to be in a different stake, and the same stake from when i was a teenager and to see people that have a vague familiarity) and participated in a training meeting. the theme was getting to know you. we had to write down something special and unique about ourselves and it was not allowed to be wife or mother (no prob-bob, i said) and hand it in and then sister sure-odd read them out and we had to go stand in the front and people guess which ones were ours. i said i was an amateur portrait photographer. i felt really sheepish when it was read out and my face gave me away right away. out of this embarrassment i got a new assignment--do a shoot of suazanne (primary pres) and her husband dan. something i would love to do.

anywilly, the two best things about this meeting were:
1. sister g. who is in our ward and who i know from choir, was teaching about teaching kids with special needs and then she said "now--sex...!" and got super embarrassed. it was hilarious. she put the paper in front of her face and said "no. i left. i did not say that. i'm not here. don't tell my husband i said that." lol. ahhh meanwhile a member of the bishopric from i think surrey 3rd, said out loud as he pretended to write "she said sex..." she meant to say success. loved that part.
2. the cupcakes. ok i'm not a super big cupcake person. but this cupcake just made me love it. it gripped me by the tongue and forced me to love it with all my heart. it was a chocolate cupcake with vanilla icing with coconut and inside was a lovely squishy vanila-ie squirt of goodness. both suzanne and i widened our eyes in surprise and pleasure as we bit into it. then we couldn't stop talking about it to each other and to others that came across our path.

well. goodbye!

oh ps. beryl at work has stopped talking. she goes around all cheerful but only writes notes. i for one have enjoyed the respite from her usual obnoxiousness. call me callous if you must, but i really do enjoy it. well the other day she passed lisa a note before lunch saying that she couldn't help at lunch because she had a terrible sense of na. yes na. well na became a big hit in the kitchen. we like to discuss what it is. and we like to use it in sentences such as "i was going to call in to work this morning with a terrible sense of na." and "i would wash the tables but it's just that i have a terrible sense of na." you get the picture. so i was telling edith this last night on our drive home from the temple and she went and said it to me on facebook thereby stealing my thunder. that aint right. it gives me a terrible sense of na just thinking about it.


EH said…
don't get your panties in a wad over na.
Mom E said…
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Andrea said…
Very funny Laursie post. I could see you delivering this monologue while striding bouncily around, hair a-quiver...
eryn. said…
hahahahaha... sense of na... that's good.
amyleigh said…
a cupcake with a squirt of vanilla inside?? YUM. you can't talk about things like that and then not share.
that's a cute n' funny r.s. story. I don't think I need to say anything about the "na". hahaha.

I have to disagree with Andrea. I don't think you'd be narrating this post with quivering hair...I'm pretty sure you'd have somebody else reading it, while sitting smugly and laughing at shocked reactions.
Beth-a-knee said…
ah i love that I love that! 'a terrible sense of na'! it's great. And the sex story is hillarious too.