say no more

slim in six. i'm doing it. did the first work out today and am feeling it already. 'feeling it' is a good feeling, beeteedubya (btw). during the work-out i at times felt awkward and unco-ordinated and foolish but there wasnt' much time for that as i was busy sweating and huffing and puffing. after the work-out a sense of accomplishment and well-being.

biggest loser. it's over. it was awesome. well the awesome part is seeing the people change and overcome and become stronger and happier, not the cheesy way they show things over and over and re-cap a billion times.

bed. i'm getting in it.

ps. isn't this skin bethany made the best ever?


Sarahstottle said…
yes, I wanted this skin for myself. Ah well...
Laura said…
you know what they say about snoozing and losing... :) that's all the comment i get?
katie said…
good job laura! where did you feel work out the most?
amyleigh said…
slim in six?? nice!! congrats labee! that makes me feel motivated enough to do some sort of exercise outside today, even though it's drizzling. If I wait for that to stop around here, I'll never be in shape...anyways.

yes, I LOVE this lovely!
Laura said…
thanks guys. i feel it in my legs from all those squats and lunges. inner leg and over the knee.
eryn. said…
yay for the workout!!! reading that motivates me to do something like that myself. i need to MAKE time for it.

also, the skin is great.