needle nose pliers

oh boy do my legs hurt. i'm an old woman. i'm an old woman who swallowed a fly.

we're doing something very exciting at work tomorrow. in fact, it's already begun. it's a little something i call bbq pulled pork! i'm so excited to be doing this dish i cannot even say. to be making something like this my very own self! today i seared the pork shoulder (very inexpensive cut of meat) and browned some onions and put it all in various crock pots located throughout the clubhouse with some broth. tomorrow is when the pulling occurs.

and i baked something bad today. i baked brownies with a raspberry swirl in them....and no sugar. that's right we forgot the sugar. i could blame my helper who was in charge of that portion but i didn't check so it's my fault too. it was so yucky. i pulled it out and all the butter was floating on top. that gave me a feeling deep down inside that something was not right. we poked some holes in it and the butter sunk back in but when i tasted it--blach! no sugar. well you win some and you lose some. this was a loss.


amyleigh said…
yum, so much good food! now i long for brownies...
Beth-a-knee said…
ick, sounds so gross! Brownies without sugar! basically cocoa and butter n flour. blech.

yay, pulled pork! that IS exciting!
Karey said…
pulled pork is so S Albtera mormon ;) It sounds good though. I hate it when i bake something and forget something like sugar. it's such a let done.