you are the sun, i am the moon...

just home from save-on foods. i felt it might be a good idea to have some food in the house when karey and vicki get here--and they'll get here in a couple of hours. i skimmed through at the cash register at 10:56pm. i'm a live on the edge kind of grocery shopper. i learned it all from dad in the days when the twins were in utero/babies and he did the grocery shopping just before midnight every saturday. thanks dad. unpacking in our teensy tiny kitchen, i placed my bags on our narrow, narrow counter top. i wasn't paying attention as i placed them, but i paid a lot of attention when a can of tuna and worse, a big jar of peanut butter landed square on the top of my foot in the metatarsal area. when pain comes as such a vicious surprise it sometimes infuriates me. it took me a couple of minutes before i could answer edith's inquires as to what had happened. all that's over now. now it's quietly throbbing under the desk.

i had the day off today and it started beautifully. i awoke on my own accord to a room full of sunshine. taking a page out of karey's book, i wrote a list of things to do today. i started by dressing quickly and taking scriptures and camera to the park to study and take some macro pics while i was there. sunshine and scriptures makes for a euphoric mood. i waltzed home only to find i had lost my keys but i soon found them by the fence under the white blossomed cherry tree where i had lain in the grass to take some clicks. i went in, deposited my scriptures, and grabbed a new lens to take some different shots around the 'hood. on my journeys i met our neighbour we had a good conversation. he liked that i was out taking nature clicks. i found out lots about him. he has a teenage son who has a dog named oze, is a commercial landscaper and had an unfortunate bungled tree trimming at the hands of the city to his once magnificent cherry tree. i like meeting neighbours.

back at home i began working on my list. part of that list has been editing the many photos i took on my easter weekend in vernon. i'm working on eryn's engagement photo shoot right now. in fact i'm on a break from that right now. sometimes you need a break because everything starts to look the same and ideas are few and far between and your heart feels stale. when your heart feels stale you know you need a creative break. usually i have a lilting heart when working on photos.

well anyways karey's here now and i'm going to bed. the long and the short of it is, i had a long productive day and i'm tired. night.


Barb said…
toot toot
amyleigh said…
days off in the sunshine are the best. I think I'm going to take a page out of YOUR book and go for a photography walk now!
Beth-a-knee said…
can't wait to see the pics! what a nice day you had.
eryn. said…
i can't wait to see those pictures. tyler loved the easter one of him, haha.
Anonymous said…
Lilting hearts are good. Well worded Sister Looloo. /Sluggo