saturday is a special day...

i woke up this fine day with the sun streaming in my bedroom window. neglected to close the blinds last night but it's no big deal as no one could see in through the fortress of shrubbery that surrounds this place. ....bring me a SHRUBBERY!!! shrubbery is a weird word, you have to admit it.

anyway, i decided to take my scriptures and go to the park to sit in the sunshine and study. i'm so glad i did. i had to pick my way through snow goose poo, which was plentiful, then i sat on the bench by the basketball court and did my study. the sun was warm on the side of my face and if i closed my eyes i could hear a symphony of bird song all around me. even the crows had a part in the symphony. before too long a huge cacophony of snow geese flew low over the park. i wish i had my camera. i covered my head and watched them as they honked and flew. there were a few strays that heather would have worried about.

today i studied about line upon line, precept on precept. it reminded me of teenage katie and laura singing the song syllable by syllable.

smirk--archie just almost biffed it off of the window sill.

i think i'll wear my hair in a side pony today. really? no not really.

i'm excited because elicia had her baby. elicia i love you! i miss you! i want to photograph your babe!

edith just said the most ridiculous of things to me and it needs to be documented. this is the issue. this morning before leaving for the park, i asked her if she wanted to go for a walk at pacific rim spirit park.

e: "what time were you thinking of going?"
m: "ten or eleven".
e: "i'm thinking more 11."
m: "ok"

i go to park have a lovely time. come back find out about elicia, (!!) work on this blog and my photo blog, have an orange and some yogurt... 10:22 rolls along

e: "ok i'm pretty much ready, i just have to go pee. but i want to know if you're ready."
m: "i'm pretty much not ready."
e: "well what time do you think you'll be ready?" hint of whine beginning in her voice.
m: "um probably 11 oh clock."
e: "ok, just so you know when i give a time, i actually mean a lot earlier. i just don't want you standing at the door jangling your keys."
to herself but for my listening pleasure: "now i have to just sit around and wait for half an hour."
m: "ok just so YOU know, when i'm given a time i actually believe the person and plan for that time."
silence. hahaha sometimes she's so ridiculous but don't tell her i said so. :)

i'm going to go brush my teeth and put my hair in a pony. will it be a side pony? will it be a top of the head fountain pony? you'll never know.


Mom E said…
there was silence as i am just right drained of arguing with you (as humorous as it may be, it is tiring), especially from thursday during survivor commercials. and let the record show, i said i'm thinking MORE LIKE 11am, which does not mean exactly 11am on the dot. pardon me madam for i forgot that you record everything everyone says and have no give towards them. from this moment on i shall refer to you as Literal, no longer Laura
Laura said…
i don't mind being called literal, call away. and pardon me if i wasn't ready by YOUR imaginary time. :)
eryn. said…
hahahahahaha... you two are funny.

i hope it was a top of the head fountain pony, perhaps slightly off to one side.
Sarahstottle said…
When Bethany was visiting I put a half fountain pony in for fun and she didn't even notice for a long time. I thought she wasn't even phased but she ended up saying something eventually. It should happen once in a while I think.