nowhere man

i'd like to start out by saying for those of you who aren't in the know, i have 3 newish photoblog posts posted. imagine me looking at you with bright eyes of expectation.

then i'd like to move on to things that matter. last sunday edith and i played crib. we don't use our table like other people do. i don't see why we have a table. we have a table for the sole purpose of looking junky. edith has even let up shooing the cats off of it as it's by the front window and we never use it but for piling stuff on. anywho, we use the coffee table. so she sat on the love seat and i pulled up the lazy boy sideways like and we had a neck and neck game. she won but it was a total horse race. despite her doomsday, crib prophetess predictions, she won and i lost.

today we went to a mary kay party at evelyn's house. i'm glad we went. it's one of those things that you don't feel like leaving the house and whatever you're doing but you know you'll like it when you go. i think esther will do very well with mary kay. elaine was there with her baby who was so calm the whole time. he didn't even jump when we popped balloons! evelyn is a very nice hostess and she doesn't live too far from us. edith introduced herself as working for two sneaky realators who were conspiring against her. it was funny. i thought elaine had beautiful skin. the loveliest. and now i feel like i'm just rambling down a long road that goes no where.

sorry but you can't have your time back. i've just stolen it! hahahahahahahahaha!


amyleigh said…
you are one of those people that play crib? I'm kind of awed..
I could actually hear your laughter at the end!! weird! :D
Thanks for coming to the party, I'm happy you had fun!
Beth-a-knee said…
Hey I play crib too, 'fub. what's wrong with that, uh?

I don't WANT my time back, thank you. In fact why don't you arrange to steal more of my time via blogpost tomorrow? Or at least more regularly? That'd be great. Thanks.
eryn. said…
i feel robbed...

just kidding. haha.
Laura said…
crib is not hard. it's bridge that is hard. i bet bethany plays that as well.
Beth-a-knee said…
lol. no i've never played bridge labee!
LeashyLoo said…