i'm a REAL boy! ...but i want to be a puppet....and a girl...

my arms are too tired to lift. i'm back to swimming. back to 9 measlies. doing activities like putting on my sweater and doing my hair made me wish for the life of the marionette. lucky little puppets that don't have to move their own limbs.

i came home and had the meal syster penny jo bundy taught me on my mission. sesame wasa crisps, cottage cheese and salsa. thanks sister bundy wherever you are.

i don't have anything else to say.

well besides that i made ginger cookies today with fresh ginger. and besides that i also made brown butter mashed potatoes to go with today's meatloaf. and besides that i've got nothing. i'm sorry to anyone who read this post, sometimes you have to read the bad to read the good. sometimes reading this blog just bites. sometimes people keep writing when they really should stop because they don't have anything to say.

but then what would i do?


eryn. said…
hahahahaha... i keep writing when i should stop all the time.

aside from the cottage cheese (which i personally liken to baby puke) your dinner sounds delicious. and keep on going with the swimming! so good for you!... i need to do that again.
amyleigh said…
cottage cheese and salsa? intriguing! I like the sounds of that.
Unknown said…
Wha? I was about to write me and Dad but then remembered said progenitor and decided instead to write 'Dad and I' got a good laugh about your marionette wishes.
Laura said…
and by saying progenitor you are also channeling mom's parents.