i love short grain brown rice. it's way better than long grain. short is where it's at. edith despises my tuna rice meal but i'm beginning to relish it. i'm beginning to take delight in it's deliciousness. sometimes, some things and some people grow on you.

i am periodically afraid that my life will have gone by and i will not have lived it. i regularly get the feeling like i don't know where time has gone. all this is to mean, i've almost been six years in the 30's and have been barely cognizant of the fact. what have i done in the first half of the 30s decade? i've worked is mostly what i've done. and it's been a good job that i can feel good about, so that's good. but isn't there more for me to do? am i just wasting the time i've been given to do it? these are the kinds of things i think about sometimes.

i was feeling ill prepared for sunbeams today. i spent the whole weekend with fats-oh-rama doing secretive bridal things and i got home late and so so so tired. at one point when driving i was feeling so tired. fats was feeling it too. our conversation had waned. slavica had nodded off in the back. "do you want me to pinch you?" asked fatti-two-shoes helpfully. "yes i do." i affirmed. "ok. where?" she was all business. i motioned to my tender upper arm. then she pinched me and she pinched me hard. little brown fingers delivering pain for the better good of all in the car. "owwwwwwwwwww!" i yelped. it worked but not for long.

i wasn't talking about that though. i was talking about sunbeams. i got to bed around 11 and i woke up at seven and read my lesson while falling asleep. the light was so cruelly bright. the lesson was entitled "i am thankful for the animals". i love the simplicity of sunbeam lessons. i fell back asleep. i prayed for help. i was late for church. waltzing in to the tune of the opening hymn.

on the way to primary i heard nolan behind me with his dad. "i don't want to go to class!" his dad: "you have to go to class." nolan: "but i don't want to!" oh great i thought. another day when everyone doesn't want to come to class. he wouldn't sit with me in opening exercizes. he sat with his brother and glared at me when i waved at him, and covered his eyes so he didn't have to see me. the other kids were nowhere to be seen. when we were dismissed it looked like he wasn't going to come with me but eventually he came. walked right into the room and right under the table. oh boy, i thought. just before shutting the door i saw evan down the hall with esther. i glared at him in the way that he likes and called him and to my surprise he actually came running into the room--so that's progress. he went under the table with nolan.

i played "where is nolan and evan? are they out the window?...no...are they under my chair...no..." and got them laughing and calling me. it was a good lesson for the boys because we have already established a love of animals. so we pretended to be animals and the others guessed what we were, we talked about animals and we played and went to the washroom and had snacks and while they snacked i taught them about noah and the arc. telling kids this age a story is the best. their eyes grow so wide and you know their minds are with you imagining what you're saying. it was much harder to get the attention of my 9/10s to tell a story, although they liked stories too sometimes if you could get their attention. so anyways today was much more successful than i thought. one thing i was inspired to do was to do things more to their level and teach in subtle ways.

during singing time both boys actually sat with me although esther had to sit with evan so he'd sit with us. nolan fell asleep sitting up. dead asleep. he was so cute. i almost wasn't able to wake him when primary was over.

choir--i've been the only soprano the last couple of weeks i've been to choir. this is a burden i cannot bear. because i'm not good enough! and since my cold/cough/asthma attack at the end of the olympics i haven't been able to sing as high or as long. and there is no one to cover my lack. i have to parade it around to everyone. today my voice was particularly weak. at the end i had lost all control of it. i don't even know what it was doing, but it wasn't hitting e's and it was barely hitting d's. i felt bad for sister i. i think she ended early because everything was sounding badly and it was my fault! and we sing in church next week! what am i going to do? there has to be at least two other sopranos. there has to be.

you know when you have naps even though you know you shouldn't? even though you know it will make you stay up too late? even though you know you need to go to bed early to get up early? ya, it's what i do. sometimes a sunday afternoon nap is just so delicious.


amyleigh said…
I remember how delicious sunday afternoon naps after church were. I actually had a substantial afternoon nap today, come to think of it. Your sunbeams class sounds fun! You have such a natural gift with children that I'm jealous of. Does Fatima have her wedding gown picked out yet?
Laura said…
no not yet. she's a turtle. a real turtle.
eryn. said…
i have been making a sunday afternoon nap a regular thing. i work at 5:30 on sunday mornings... so when i get home around 11... its nap time or i will have a headache all day.

kids that age can be SO cute if you can get their attention and keep them entertained.
eryn. said…
oh, and i forgot to mention... what is it that you would like to do with your 30's? you should do it. take some chances and do something FANTASTIC!
Beth-a-knee said…
Why is short-grain better than long-grain may I ask?

And also, I hear you on the naps. I have forced myself to stop taking them 'cause I hate not being able to sleep at night. It's a constant struggle.

And I feel the same about you and the 30's...I mean, not that you're wasting your time, but, where has the time gone?? It seems to me you JUST turned 30 too.
Sarah-Lynn said…
I find it surprising that Evan coming voluntarily to class was abnormal. You're his auntie! He loves you, why wouldn't he want to go to your class. He's lucky. Adriel would LOVE to have you for his teacher. He loves primary. It's hard at that age when your mom is in primary too. I remember liking that lesson when I taught sunbeams. It's easy to have fun with that one.

Sunday naps are delicious and if one is robbed of that deliciousness one feels the universe is unjust.

I remember you just turning 30 too, like it was yesterday.
Laura said…
short grain tastes better! and i don't like the texture of long grain brown rice. yeah evan loves me, he's just such a mammas boy and doesn't like to leave esther. once in class he's totally fine.

ahh turning thirty... when i had the most delicious hot stone massage that made me almost cry...
Anonymous said…
I remember when I turned 30,someone asked me what it was like to turn 30. I thought about it for a second and I said that I felt bettr at 30 than I did at 20 or 25. What I'm saying is, turning 30 was a super special rite of passage. I felt like I was so much better at every part in my life. Yes, time goes by fast, but you shouldn't think of it as where has the time gone. Try looking at it this way: this is the time in life where I can advance quickly. And it's true. I think between 30 and 40 you have the knowledge and life experience to go in any direction you want. Big life changes are more possible b/c you have more resources and confidence. Also, you'd be surprised at how many changes you have gone through if you take a look at what has happened in your life since you turned 30. My two cents!
Anonymous said…
that previous comment was made by Fatima. oops.
Anonymous said…
I love the detailed Sunbeam recollections. Naps are delicious I agree. /Duilio
Andrea said…
I know those naps when it just feels so inevitable and so, soooo, sooooooo good! Even if you do pay for it later!
Karey said…
I haven't taken a good sunday nap in so long. that's the one thing i don't like about church being at 11. it's just not a good time to do it when i get home.

My kids would love you as a teacher. i need some tips from you.