i don't work until 3 today. it's karaoke night and i'm just getting back my singing voice. i was singing in the shower today. one of my favourite things about late days is singing in the shower. i love to sing in the shower. many of you know this about me. i especially love singing hymns. there's something about singing a hymn that fills me up with gladness and makes me thankful. mom and dad instilled hymns deep down into all of us with our early morning daily hymn singing, i think. even if you've left the church, the hymns haven't left you. i know andrea and amy both like to sing hymns sometimes. and why not? they're a part of us on a different level--a level of music that words don't necessarily explain. music can be a level of the inner most inners, i think.

today i was singing one of my many favourite hymns, redeemer of israel. love it. love the theme of redemption and deliverance. love to sing "and cried in the desert for thee" with a lot of feeling and oomph. anyways, i forgot some of the words so i came out in my towel, went to the church website and sang along. ouch. can't hit a d yet. still too phlegmy and raspy. sorry upstairs people for making you suffer with my strains!

i'm hiding from archie. i fed him at 11:30 and at 12 he wants more. i saw him prowling towards me like the miniature tiger he is, with that feed me NOW look in his eye and i uttered a little shriek of no! and shut the door on him.

it's a beautiful day today. i can tell from my window.


Sarah-Lynn said…
ha ha, I can totally picture you jotting out in your towel to check the words...did you get back in after and finish the song? Did you know that there are showers you can have installed that have mp3 players and waterproof speakers? That would be fun, I think. Then you can dance in the shower too.

I know exactly what you mean about music. I find that sometimes it can reach me and touch me in ways just plain ol words can't. It speaks to you- the inners of inners if you will.
Beth-a-knee said…
I also love singing hymns. Even though I can't sing very high or strongly in my wavering voice I still often find myself singing them while I'm doing housework. Just like mudsy I suppose.
amyleigh said…
I love noting a beautiful day from my windows! It's so encouraging and rife with possibilities. And yes I agree with you about hymns. Hymns are totally woven into my fabric, and there's nothing I can do about it. And some hymns are just such powerful music.
Andrea said…
I do love many hymns and I sing them more than I sing any other kind of song. My faves are Abide With Me, The Lord is My Shepherd and How Firm a Foundation.
laura said…
those are 3 of my favourites too andrea