a hissing black cat with super long fangs longs for izzy and hates her for it

well, well, well.

who's been taking pictures of themselves in the bathroom again? i have but it's not what you think. well maybe it is what you think--who am i to say. i've been learning myself on spot metering and i've decided it's quite useful and fun. i've decided i should shoot manual a lot more often. in the process i've documented some choice rooms in our shab hut.

i should be washing my tightie-whities.

today at work we had shake and bake with baked spuds and glazed carrots. my favourite part was the baked potato. i often forget how satisfying a baked potato can be and i often snub it in my heart. i'm sorry baked potato--that was wrong of me. the chicken wasn't good to me. i couldn't eat it all. and i opted out of the glazed carrots. you see, i'm the one who made the glazed carrots. and i wanted maple glazed carrots. but what i got was orange glazed carrots. everyone said they were good carrots but to me they were disobedient carrots and i shunned them.

speaking of obedience, it has been said to me of late that i would not make an obedient wife. this pleased me.

today was baking day but i was not prepared. had no recipe and no special ingredients. but rob brought in his star wars cook book and some chocolate and butterscotch chips. he wanted to make 'wookie cookies' with me. let me tell you this star wars cookbook is a priceless thing. i don't go gaga over starwars or anything but the first three movies have a place in my childhood-- my growing up popular culture. i can't explain how hilarious this cookbook is. many of the recipes are accompanied by a photo and many of the photos feature a star wars figurine staged with the food and sometimes a story of how they relate. like hans shooting ketchup onto his burger with his light saber and luke sky walker staring up at the 'two suns' which happen to be two eggs in toast. i really enjoyed what they did and how they did it.

after work we went right to the white spot for tajana's birthday dinner. the day before was the pub night fundraiser. tomorrow is theresa's birthday celebration at the casino. it's a week of after work functions but i'm not attending the casino one. not only will i be on the road to vernon, but also i don't go to casino parties. no thanks man.

i came home and had a thirty minute naparoo. then esther came over and gave us mary kay facials which was fun. it really is a wonderful mascara.

and now that it's midnight i must wash my whites!


Sarah-Lynn said…
Sorry I blew you off last night, man.
Andrea said…
i thought they took the whole obedience thing out of the marriage vows... if not, someone should let me know....hehe