picture it--2010, richmond, bc. pathetic single woman sitting in a lazy boy in front of the tv eating tuna/brown rice/smoked gouda/mustard/sweet ginger miso concoction straight from the rice steamer bowl. picture said woman's cat nosing around for some tuna. picture said woman shoving said cat. picture said woman eating stray rice kearnals straight off of her shirt. picture it.


Beth-a-knee said…
I can't picture you as being described pathetic single woman. it just doesn't work. Lost of other words can work to describe you but not those unkind ones.

lets make a small list for examples sake. These are words that you MAY use to describe yourself:

and that's just a few. and why shouldn't one eat stray pieces of rice off of their shirt? also, was that a good concoction? sounded interesting.
plus everyone is known to push away an irritating cat at times.
Laura said…
thanks 'knee. i was feeling particularily pathetic at the time. but people like you bolster me and put me back on the right path.
eryn. said…
those cats are always after a piece of stray tuna... haha. luckily i don't have any in the house! but my cats pester me for other random things... agh.

also, that concoction did sound rather tasty!

... and i second amy. not pathetic. although i feel it too sometimes...
eryn. said…
i MEAN bethany. SORRY!
Unknown said…
Yes, I'm having a hard time with the pathetic part... Unless of course, you mean someone else? Ridickerous as Tigger would say...
LeashyLoo said…
I don't know who you are talking about because you are far from being pathetic...I agree with Bethany...you can't use unkind words to describe yourself. You are one of the greatest people that I know, even if you don't believe it right now. I also tend to push away my black feline also so there. They need to know who's boss!
amyleigh said…
I was going to say that the picture you're describing doesn't sound pathetic. I, for one, am a notoriously messy eater, and I'm always dropping food all over myself, down my shirt, up my sleeve...I would fish a kernel of rice out of my cleavage and eat it unabashedly and often do. Just saying. and that food did sound yummy. And why not eat from the rice steamer bowl? Less dishes - a conservation of energy right there!
Also I agree with Bethany on the list of Laura. I'd add adventurous and playful to the list, too.