zip it. NO.

today i joined choir. yay! i love singing in a choir! when we started there were only two of us women, and the song was the morning breaks. ugh. don't get me wrong, i like the morning breaks, but it just so happens to have a high f. the other woman was singing alto. so... i tried but faltered on the e's, not having warmed up at all (this was warm-up) and totally did not even come near a high f. (this is where andrea might say something like "i don't know why children of an alto and a bass think they can be sopranos..." but i AM a soprano! i'm definitely not an alto. i'm more of a mezzo soprano and i can't help it--it's what i am.) thankfully, our choir director who asked my name, but didn't tell me hers (i find this happens a lot) relieved my worries. she was playing the piano because brother roeder wasn't there yet. she told me that he transposes it lower. hallelujah.

when i arrived at choir, like i said, there was only one other lady. she was sitting in the front row. "where do the sopranos sit?" i asked her. she kind of waved behind her and said "they sit back there i think." it seemed kind of vague and since it was just the two of us i sat in the front too. but later more sopranos came and they all sat behind me. all except for a little old lady who told me her name was jackie. she talks in a really sweet voice and wears all of her long hair right on top of her head. at one point esther came in looking for evan jr. and found him playing on the floor under some pews. jackie turned to me and said "well at least you have some help." i looked at her blankly. "pardon?" and she repeated "at least you have some help with your little ones." "oh i don't have any children!"--she looked at me perplexed. "i'm an aunt." i explained. "ohhh, you're an aunt....(wheels were turning) so you must be a sister?" "yes. i'm a sister." and then she said by the way were were sitting she thought i must be something. she must have been referring to evan and i during sunday school, although i'm surprised that she didn't notice him usually being with esther since september. it's like that day long ago when we went bowling and elicia, who we had just met thought that evan and i were boyfriend and girlfriend. ha.

so choir was fun. although we took home an arrangement of love at home that brother roeder wrote. when i heard that brother roeder was the arranger, my heart sank. sure enough i looked at it when i got home and there is a whole segment full of f's and g's. eemposseebleh. so it looks like i'll be joining the altos for that one.

i really liked relief society today. our teacher was very charismatic and she was talking a lot about children and how interesting it is to watch them play and how they always have to touch things and how they have such a marvel at the world and how we lose those kinds of things and how we need to rekindle the childlike way of looking at the world.

yesterday i met fatima and daman for lunch. we ate at shaubusen--which fatima and i hadn't been to in a long time. it's one of our favourite saturday things to do. you don't eat breakfast and you barely ever feel like eating supper because you're so stuffed with yummy japanesey food. we used to go there with beatwo. so we decided that daman would be the new meat bbq-er. we made it a man-job and daman did very well. it was his first time there and he was funny to watch when all the food came. it can come all at once in a big flood of foods and i could tell he was feeling overwhelmed. we had some good eats and good talks and we stuffed ourselves.

we also saw evan and esther who were out on their anniversary date. it was fatima who saw them and pointed excitedly at them with her little brown finger. they came over to chat with us for a bit and then went on their way. we saw them down on the sidewalk holding hands.

after lunch we walked back to fatima and daman's place and looked at some neato graffiti in some back alleys and then they showed me this cool shop with really cool furniture and furnishings in it. i found some luxerious bar stools that i liked. we took too long for daman and he went home ahead of us. when we got there he was busy trying to get a stuck water bottle lid out of the water cooler not that this is important information, i'm just setting the scene for y'all.

we were going to watch a movie but we didn't. we just talked and fatima brought me up to progress on her wedding plans and gave me my duties as the maid of honour. i should note, here that my duties were in chart and table form. i have to have a bride emergency kit! i said if jennifer lopez were the wedding planner, she'd have it. fatima said leo didn't have room for one of those handy dandy little belts that jennifer had. i also found out that i'll be wearing a sari! this is going to be fun and exciting! i hope a sari will look good on me.

this is probably the only time i'll be a part of a big wedding. first there's the staggette in march--a spa get-away, then there's the shower in july, the rehersal and rehersal bbq, real photographers, and the wedding and reception is going to be a the pan pacific! holy moly! my bestbud's getting married. it's going to be a busy fun year.

so daman was out with his wing-dinger friends and fatima and were slowly slouching more and more on the couch until we were both reclining at opposite ends. she stopped mid sentence, "do you want to go on the bed?" "ok!" i said and we climbed up on their big comfy bed with huge comfy pillows with our couch blanket. we turned out the lights so we could see the city lights as we talked. we had a container of these huge peanut butter and chocolate malt balls from choices between us and we talked and looked up arabic names on the computer and did a search for giselia, my old friend and talked and looked at wedding dresses etc.

i finally went home around 11:30. it was a fun full day.


Sarah-Lynn said…
So that lady's name is Jackie? First she thought you were Sloan's mom, then she thought you and Evan were parents to his kids?? That's funny. Evan jr clearly has your colouring...
Beth-a-knee said…
well I mean look at John--a clear tenor. We have more genes than strictly mom and dad's, we have THEIR parent's jeans and so on and so on. Sarah's a soprano too. So there y'are.
LeashyLoo said… joined choir! Good for you! They are lucky to have you and it will get better.