a name day i share with martin luther king jnr.

today's my name day and i didn't remember until after work when i was sitting at the computer compulsively playing frogger. happy name day self. thank you, it's nice to be remembered. one name day long long ago darlene delerma gave me 4 dessert glasses. i still have 3 of them. thanks darlene!

theresa and i went to the symphony today. i hadn't been in a long time. the last time i was going to go was to the opening and the day before edith found a real live bed bug in her room and the symphony plans went out the window. anyways, my favourite part was the dvorak violin concerto. i love concertos. at first i was put out because the soloist who was going to play couldn't because she was sick. i was all "whaaaaat!!" not that i knew her work but the write up about her sounded really good. jennifer koh was her sub. wow. she was amazing. i've never seen so many broken bow strings in one performance--not that that's a measure of greatness or anything but she sure put her whole self into her performance and she was wonderful to watch--so expressive and emotional. she was wearing a hot pink gown and her cheeks glowed pink. she has short hair framing her face and sometimes her head was vibrating and moving around so much i wondered how she could stay in control when her head was moving so much. she moved a lot. i was thinking while watching her about how some of the things i love about going to the symphony is not just about the sound. it's the visual art combined with the sound. the gyrations of the conductors, the art of jennifer's long bent bare arm, the vigourous unison of the violinists' bows firing. i gave her a standing ovation.

i was just reading stephanie nielson's blog. her husband is writing in it while she's recovering from surgery. i love a lot of things about that blog but my very favourite is how much stephanie and mr. nielson love each other. they're so openly in love and it lifts my spirits all the time. i'm so glad about it. sometimes there's so much open hostility or too much jadedness and sarcasm all around. people sometimes seem way more comfortable sharing those kinds of things and don't proclaim the tenders. and the tenders are just so much better.

i'm not in love with any man right now but i sure have a lot of people i love in my life. i know i've been really really blessed. to all my beloveds--i love you!


Sarahstottle said…
What exactly is a name day? And when is my name day?? I'll be sure to let Darlene know when it rolls around.

I think I'm one of the jaded sarcastic people you were talking about. I'm mean to Kyle.
Laura said…
your name day is july 19th and no you are not a person i was talking about. i was talking about people in general.
Karey said…
I always forget about that blog. it's so inspiring to read. I always feel like crying when i read it.
eryn. said…
its easier to be mean and sarcastic as opposed to talking about the things you assume people don't want to hear about.

and how do you know what your name day is? am i one of your beloveds? haha.
laura said…
i agree eryn, it's much easier and less risky. sharing your tenders is a vulnerable thing.

i know my name day because i learned it in sweden. i looked sarah's up. i don't think there is an official eryn day but that doesn't mean you can't decide on a day. it's a day you get cake!

you are definitely one of my beloveds.