archie is soft and silky and luxerious. i should make him into a blanket. but then he wouldn't purrr.

"i'm a brand snob," said my friend barb to me one day. she went on to explain how she had to have certain brands of food and how no-name was a no-no. at the time i thought she was a picky-pickerson. like how much difference is there between ketchups?? but today as i was licking out the last of the peanut butter out of the jar i was thinking about how much i love kraft peanut butter. for non-natural peanut butters kraft is my favourite. i love it when it gets all melty. and other peanut butters aren't as good as kraft. so there you go. i'm sorry barb you may have been right about a thing or two.

today was our first day at our new ward. i forgot about it being at 9:30 and was aiming for 9. i kicked myself when the realization sank in. i could have slept in another half hour! oh well. i wore my bold red lip gloss, my black rose and pewter bendy bracelet. but don't think that i didn't wear clothes, because i did. fatima is the noodist, not me.

we had a case of the doubts on our way to the chapel. we kept wondering -had we gone too far? so i got out my cell and accessed my address book and scrolled down to a certain entry entitled evboo/1. this was our conversation:
e'boo: hello?
laura: hi. williams and what?

actually there was more but i realized it wasn't interesting. so anyways we skimmed in just as the announcements were being made. the chapel was large compared to vancouver and had only a sprinkling of people scattered about the pews. behind me edith urgently whispered her mantra "in the back! in the back! in the back! in the back!" so i didn't search out ev and esther but picked a row near the back and sat down. i saw them then, sitting straight in front of us about 5 or 6 pews ahead. a cute little family. i think it's going to be fun having family in my ward. i haven't had that for 8 years.

as the meeting went on the chapel filled up. i noticed the side pews were particularly packed. so it's a nice ward and it seems filled up with mostly normal people but i was happy to pick out a quirky person or two. i know most people say vancouver 1st is too weird a ward. kyle out and out said this. one doesn't like to be overrun by oddities but there is something in me and i would say, many in our family that enjoys some quirkiness. in short quirkiness can be the spice of life. normal while comfortable, can be boring. maybe that's one reason why i enjoy my job so much.

after sacrament the sister part of the senior couple missionaries that were sitting by us, introduced herself to us and was quite thorough in getting all of our information, down to our jobs, address, phone numbers.

edith wanted to go to another sunday school, but it sounded like a ysa sunday school which i didn't even like going to when i was actually ysa, especially after my mission. i mean if you're an adult, you're an adult. why segregate? well i know some people like to but i personally don't. so i was saying no and she was saying yes and "you're so stubborn" and i was saying "go ahead and go" and she was saying " i don't want to go by myself." and then evan came and gave her a tight lipped smile. soon after that the sister missionary came again and took edith away to the other class. ev and i sat together as he jiggled isabell to sleep. he gave me some spearmint gum. i folded our respective wrappers together into a square. he folded them into a triangle which i promptly undid.

our lesson was on one of my favourite parts of moses. it was moses 1 when moses sees god and then is tempted by satan and withstands him. it has so many good parts in it. so many depths. anyhoo, relief society was in an actual rs room! such a novelty! and it was packed with people. i've missed going to rs and sunday school. after rs, several ladies talked to me. one said i look more like evan's children than he does. a comment which i very much enjoy. i thought everyone was really friendly. so did edith. we think we may just like this ward.

now we're going over to evboo's to play games.



Beth-a-knee said…
I'm just curious as to why you included the tight-lipped smile? I puzzled over it a while before going on, trying to see if it had any relevancy. although I knew exactly the smile you meant.

yah i'm enjoying going back to rs too. primary's fun but its nice to talk with women.
Karey said…
your post made me realize how much i'm going to miss sunday school (never thought i would say that) and RS b/c i just got called to primary....again.
Lady of Light said…
I don't know why but this post made me laugh inside a lot. Good job, LBuD.
amyleigh said…
yay! glad to hear of you wearing your gifts. have you tried out the owl pendant one yet?

I also know exactly the tight-lipped smile you mean.
Sarah-Lynn said…
Yep, I can definitely confirm that I know what the tight lipped smile is.
eryn. said…
i think i am even familiar with the smile you speak of. weird.
LeashyLoo said…
Aww...I'm glad that you had such a great experience in your new ward. The people there sound really great. I too am glad to go to RS and Sunday school after being in Primary for nearly a whole year.
BhipBabsi said…
Yes, I knew that in time you would see that I was right, oh stubborn- stick-to-your-guns one :) Brand Names are the way to go!