today i helped adriel put together a nativity scene. he had a background and the stickers to put on. so when we came to the camels i asked him where he wanted to put them. he said he wanted to them to fly with the angels. so we put the camels up in the sky with the angel. later when mom was over getting her hair cut and coloured, i was wrapping presents. adriel was 'helping'. "adriel show gramma your picture." i suggested. so he did but he didn't tell her much about it. "tell gramma what the camels are doing." i prodded. "they're giving the sheep kisses." he told her.

i'm feeling a bit under the weather today. a bit like i may be getting a cold. it was more of a lay low kind of day. in the morning we went to country club and adriel and sloan got their santa pics. we went out through shoppers drug mart where i discovered two things:
1. my blood pressure at that moment was 129/80 and my heart rate was 84.
2. tooth brushes are considerably cheaper there than london drugs.

kyle and sarah bought hot dogs and chips. when we got home kyle made a mysterious 'holiday treat'. he refused to tell us the real name or let sarah look at the recipe. all we could get out of him was 'holiday treat'.

i took andrea's parcel of christmas fun to the bus depot. it was so sunny out, it made me feel happy. i had to put on my sunglasses once and the glass on the right eye swiveled down, loose except for one screw. this made me filly silly and i periodically smirked at myself as i drove along.

wrapped a lot of presents.

made pizzas

sarah and i both had to go to walmart and on the way we dropped in at katie's to give mom her sweater and ....oh great. i just realized we forgot to fulfill our mission for mom! we'll have to do that tomorrow i guess. not that strangely walmart isn't opened right now. anyways katie's house was full of christmas people. natalie endeavoured to teach me how to hug and michealah played beautiful music on the piano. dad and brent were engrossed in a conversation. sounded like a dad story to me. "have they bonded over the gout?" sarah asked katie.

at walmart we tried futiley to get adriel to choose a present for sloan. futile. like i said. so sarah chose one and i witnessed some drama at the jewelry counter. why don't people just listen?! not listening is one of my pet peeves. not that i'm a perfect listener. but hey, bub, i value a good listener let me tell you!

kyle and i made this rule that except for sunday nights and christmas eve, every night there is mandatory rock band playing before one is allowed to go to bed. so that's what we did. first it was just me and kyle--guitar and drums. i'm getting better at the guitar if i say so myself. sarah was in the kitchen working on christmas sooprises.

this is when we began to dig into the 'holiday treat' which was quite good. then kyle yearned for some of bethany's peanut butter squares but sarah wouldn't let him. "they're bethany's." she said. that's when kyle pulled out "but it's in MY fridge in MY house, in MY pan." and so we like to repeat this phrase. you can do it too.


LeashyLoo said…
Sounds like you're having good ol' clean fun on the island. I had to laugh at the "my fridge, my house part...." I've definitely heard that one before!
Claudine said…
Your Christmas so far sounds amazingly fun!!! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas day tomorrow with your fam!
Miss you tons!! AND I'll see you in the new year!

Love ya Loora!!