edith stews in bed

my new bed has a new leak. this makes me that much more grateful for the real bed that is waiting for me at my new place. our plan is to move in on saturday! yippee!

another thing i'm grateful for: 3 more work days until i'm on christmas vacation!

and exclamation points!

i smashed my finger last friday and it looks like i drew on my nail with dark black ink. i think the nail might come off and if it does i'll be sure to post a picture. i know there's a lot of demand for this kind of thing amid my readership...

today i met claudine and declan after work at granville island. i found a free parking spot right away but was almost too stunned to take it. we had a mini photo shoot and had some fun in the cold crisp air. declan kept loosing his mitts and then getting really cold hands. he also really enjoyed chasing what birds were there.

today it was my turn to go on the after lunch wellness walk. the pond at the park is frozen over. if i were a skater i'd go skate on robson square. that's what. but skating lies outside the range of my abilities at the moment.

at this moment i'm falling asleep at the keyboard and i think it shows.



eryn. said…
i'm so excited for you to have a new home!!
Beth-a-knee said…
Ben did the same thing to his nail recently! it's disturbing to see the inky purple-blank smudge.
amyleigh said…
claudine and declan are both such fancy shmancy uppity names. yay christmas!