turning over the proverbial leaf

i remember when the twinners were teeners and they'd always say "i don't do that anymore. i've turned over a new leaf." sometimes i turn leaves over so often i'm not sure which side of the leaf i'm on. but one must keep on mustn't one. this is my big momentous news: i bought groceries for two planned meals. i was inspired by a blog i read. this blogger has a recipes side blog and i there were a lot of yummy interesting foods. so i picked two. tomorrow is pesto salmon burgers, with a twist. the twist is a fillet instead of a burger and sourdough bread instead of buns. ha. i'm excited. tonight i made her go to sandwich and it was delicious! yumzors deluxors fo sho. it included bocaccini, sauteed mushrooms, green onions and spinach with balsamic vinaigrette, mustard and toasted sourdoughbread. hello. i toasted the bread with some olive/flax/grapeseed oil and i was all "feeding yourself is fun to do"

i'm waiting to see if one of the people i asked to write a reference letter will do it. she's a key person and so i'm hoping and praying with all my might she will even though she only has two weeks to do it and it's midterm time. say a prayer for me too, if you're a pray-er i'd appreciate it. i'm not as nervous to write my letter of intent anymore. i did some freewriting about it and rand-man gave me some of his gold. i just need a quiet place and time to sit down and do it.

the more i work on this dream and take action on it the more i realize how much i want it. i want it sooo much. it's been my cherished little dream for so long. i kind of don't want people to know because wanting something so much makes you vulnerable, i guess. and geeky. ha. haha. hahahahahaha.

yesterday when edith finally got home from work she was all "let's DO something. let's not sit inside on our buttocks." (ha. she did not say buttocks but i don't remember her exact wording and i choose to relate buttocks. sarah has a pert buttock.) and so then i was like "well for starters i'm hungry." and so then we were like "let's go out to eat." (we only go out to eat on pay day because after that we're utterly poor). so we went to moxy's. and we got waters with lime juice in them. h would have liked that but h lives in ontario now and they don't have lime juice there. anyways edith got the enchiladas because she knows all about how great the enchiladas are at moxy's. sure enough our waitress gave her an approving wink and was all "oh that's a staff favourite." she looked like she was going to offer edith a job based on her entree choice. that's when i was all "oh, i'll have the steak thing-special" (honey garlic steak.) i didn't get the job offer type of response. i got the 'oh, you're special too hun' kind of look. whatever so i didn't order with the staff! i mean who are they? besides i never never order steak except if it's new years eve on the day of elicia's wedding reception and that will never happen again. so then the waitress asked how i wanted my steak done and without a blink i said "medium rare." in this really confident i know how i like my steak kind of way. except after i was all, why did i ask for medium rare?? i usually get just plain medium or medium well. oh well i thought. mine came with a one of those baked potatoes that they scrape out the middle of, mix it up with yummy stuff and stuff it back in. nice. i also got broccoli. so sure enough the steak was quite pink. i'm not squeemish about such things but it was easier to eat if you didn't look at it. i was hoping edith wouldn't notice but she did. "that looks quite bloody." she said. " did you ask for that on purpose?" "mmhmm." i said all non-chalantally. "do you usually get it that way?" she perservered. "no..." i said scooping out some delectable potato. "you're just trying it?", she offered. "yup." yah that's it. it wasn't bad but the outside was the best. i think next time i'll go for a little more cookedness.

we both got mini white chocolate brownie bites for dessert.

it was during the meal that i remembered that we had a farewell to sara b. party that night. you were supposed to bring hors d'oeuvres and what we brought were the ghetto chips. we bought them at the gas station on the way there. it was the esso on the corner of boundary and imperial, if you must know. and what i did was fill up on gas. and what i did was pull in with a huge (said like donald trump--silent 'h') gap between my car and the gas pump. this really bothered edith mceederson. i gave her the proverbial shrug. she was all "you're going to block everyone and there's going to be huge (donald trump again) back log down the road. i looked around the very large and empty gas station lot quite pointedly and looked at her. ha. hahaha. we bought chips. she chose sour cream and onion and i chose dorititos--cool ranch to be exact. cool hand luke, is what i think every time i think cool ranch. anyways upon paying, we each grabbed our respective chips and headed out into the night.

the party was at the kennedy's who live on patterson across from the graveyard. i jumped the gun on parking as i often do but this is partly because while i was trying to get edith to help read house numbers she was staring straight ahead bopping her head to the music.

then we had a chip war. this is because i noticed edith's violent aversion to even touching the doritos bag. she was all " i will not be tainted by the doritios!" so i kept throwing them at her and grabbing her bag. this was a lot of fun for both of us.

when we got inside i noticed first of all how quiet and subdued it was and second of all how fancy all the other things were. "i brought the sour cream and onion chips" i told sister kennedy who fetched a bowl.

these are the people who were at the party:
sarah b, scott, michelle clarke, gab and pete, kristy f. and boyfriend who i don't actually know his name but he's very nice, it's not on account of niceness that i don't know his name just so you know, baaaaaaaaarb, and susan powelson and of course me and edith and the kennedies. we had some good times. some good laughs. sometimes it's very nice to be social. i forget that.

so i have to mention this although it's hard to convey. at one point i was sitting next to barb and we were discussing her hair as a group and she was saying that she's always late for work because her hair is so long now that it takes too long to straighten. and i was all, so why don't you go curly? and she was all "well if i don't flat iron then---" and pointed at me with an open hand and look of distaste like then i'll have your messed up results. haha. thanks a lot friend. we laughed a long time about that one so much so that edith had sore cheeks.

today i bought an exciting new conditioner from trade secrets. deva curl. i'll tell you how my hair likes it tomorrow. the ladies in the salon had to make mention of my frizz a few times. hello, yes i know i have a frizz halo today. but what you ladies don't understand is that i'm slummin' it. ladies, i'm slummin' it with my frizz halo so it's not like i can't stop if i want to.


Mom E said…
I don't believe I actually said 'i will not be tainted by the doritos.' but i did not want them touching me. I'm not against them but they are a lesser cousin to the almighty potato chip.

Baaaarb's hair comment is still making me laugh.

The rare-er the steak is, the better your body can break it down and assimilate the protein so it's good you tried it that way.

And I was actually singing 'rum pa pum pum' to drummer boy when you so rudely interrupted with questions about house numbers.

Last night was really great laughs the whole way through!
amyleigh said…
I like my steak rare. Still cool in the middle. so juicy, tender and flavourful. MMM! you cooked people are really missing out. I mean, unless you prefer bland to flavour. Just saying. :D
eryn. said…
i feel like i have to comment on the steak. because everyone else did. but i don't eat steak (obv). so... thas all i've got. good to try new things though! and yay on trying new recipes! i am also doing that this week - i've been a bit lazy and just baking lately.

and congrats on moving forward with the application! best of luck with everything!
Karey said…
Hey i just started reading that blog as well!
I'm converted to med rare steak and I like it.
Where is Sarah going?
I love the Barb story that made me laugh :)
Sarah-Lynn said…
excuse me, but I must know why I am the culprit of the pert buttock statement???
Laura said…
because it's true and you know your buttock is pert. also it refers back to a pick i posted of you once when you were swinging said pertlyburtly out and my caption said something like "sarah has a pert buttock" to which bethany took great offence of the singular buttock not buttocks. that is why.
Lady of Light said…
the sour cream and onion chips have got me captivated.
Sarah-Lynn said…
ha ha, I remember. If biffy takes great offense, then by all means, call my buttock pert anytime.
Sarahstottle said…
proverbial shmerbial- post again already!!!