a day i actually did something:

i bought this shirt. it's very green. like lime with a hint of neon and then a lot darker. it was only 12 dollars. anyway i wore it today to church. i feel like i'm walking on the edge a bit with this shirt. but sometimes i just choose to not care.

so last night i woke up in the throes of the most terrible coughing/choking fit. i was coughing so hard it raised me right up and i wasn't just coughing like "ahem, koff, koff". not even "hackhack!" this was a raging, shouting growling monster from within struggling for life cough. and when you wake up in the middle of a cough like that you don't even know what's going on. after it, the monster, was done i settled back down on my side and burped 3 or 4 times before falling back asleep. i always burp after what i call asthma coughs. it's not a choice. it needs to be done.

yesterday i spent most of the day doing what i like to do--working on photos. but in between times i did things such as make german pancakes, for example. there was a time when i wouldn't make german pancakes because of the deep sorrow of failure was too painful. but thanks to the big book of breakfast from bip ala nip, one christmas, (or was it amum-i-now-have-a-bum? for some reason i think bip but please forgive me if i'm wrong, every other year it has been one or the other and things get meshed into one. ) i get it right every time and there is not many things as satisfying as pulling a successful german pancake from the oven.

when it came time to leave for the ward corn on the corner, we just didn't want to. we were tired. very tired. but we went and felt glad that we did. we just set up our camping chairs in a prime location, despite the wasps, and sat and ate and talked and chilled. i was sapped of all energy and strength so it was nice just to chill in the beautiful mellow afternoon. different people would come by and talk with us, which was nice too.

randy would come, tell an explosive barf story, give me digs as to what i say being questionable in accuracy (! that's just like the fussy thing! saying to ME what should actually be said to HIM. odd phenomenon. must be some sort of coping mechanisim. :) ) then his phone would ring and he would go behind a tree to talk to his girl, or he would get up and say he had to do a social round, and walk around, not saying a word to anyone and come back and sit down--something i enjoyed observing and edith enjoyed hearing about. brother wood was super hyper. he loves the fall. he would come and sit with us for five minute intervals. edith said he's always hyper. brianna and joanna talked with us for a while too. shauna was with us most of the time. shauna has got to be the most patient in her trials person i know. she just kind of off handedly says "i've had these sores in my mouth for 2 years." etc. she's pretty amazing. niki kurl came and talked to us at the end. we stayed until the bitter end too because we were waiting to meet claudine at the bowling place.

i didn't eat any corn.

so we bowled at the ridge. shauna had free tickets for us. the ridge bowling is very small and retro. we liked it. edith and i argued for a while who was laverne and who was shirley until i realized that i wanted to be shirley and didn't even want to be laverne. edith felt smug about that. well let her. bowling was over quickly. claudine and declan won. some of the best moves of theirs was when claudine bowled through declan's legs barely missing them when he moved suddenly. and when declan went running down the lane after the bowling ball. it had been years since i played five pin. it was fun.

we went to the beach after and were reminded once again of how we want to try out the kits swimming pool. just once. declan and i went running down the hill and he almost biffed it (sorry biffy) almost tripping me in the process, but i, not new to running with toddlers, swung him off his feet in a nicely done save. we sat on the wall and swung our feet for a while and looked at the blazing orange sunset. then we went down the the sand and skipped rocks. well i tried. i only succeeded in partial skipping a shell. edith was my witness.

then we went to the totallybigtelescope to look at some stars. our first time through we were shown akranon or something like that. binary stars. the second time a cluster of stars named after hercules. the nerdy but enthusiastic volunteer informed me that they were older than the sun and were probably around when the universe was just coming together.

we ate at dq.

we dropped claudine and declan off at a bus stop and went back to see jupiter. that was cool. we couldn't see it's red spot, but we could see some stripes and 4 of it's moons. we reminded ourselves that we need to go back in the winter to see mars.

it was an eventful day.


Andrea said…
Such an eventful day it sounded like two days. And do you think you could have a lung infection?
amyleigh said…
laughed out loud at your random inclusion of the burps! But that coughing sounds awful. I got you that breakfast book for your stocking. I remember I got it in the break between doing a split shift way back when I worked at the theatre. I'm glad it's getting used :D. I also love making a german pancake. Does that recipe include apple slices? Cause if not, you really outta try that. Delishus.
Laura said…
i love the big book of breakfast and i've barely skimmed the surface! how does one add apples to the german pancake, prey tell?

i'm starting to feel better. not coughing as much, less green in the snot, and more energy. thankfully.
Beth-a-knee said…
poor lahbe. what are german pancakes? they sound wonderful. i want some. if you come visit me we can make some. and some vietnamese goodies from my vietnamese book!
eryn. said…
is brother wood's first name mckay by chance?
Laura said…
uh no! that's a different bro. wood, but he's young. i wouldn't call him bro wood. do you know mckay?
Andrea said…
Yes she does, he's from Vernon and his younger brother is a good friend of hers.