hyuck hyuck hyuck

so first things first. i know everyone will be dying to know about my recurring affliction. it seems like every friday or saturday i find a two new spots. and by sunday things are bad. i've spent the last two sundays at the walk in clinic. the first time the dr. gave me antibiotics and cortisone cream. then yesterday a different dr. said cortisone cream is bad for inflammations and said to take an advil. she also said to go see my family dr. and get a referral to a dermatologist. so today i went to see the dr. again. one thing they all agree on is that this is some sort of allergic reaction. but to what, there are no clues. my doc suggested that i take pictures because it can take a while to get in to see the dermatologist. so this is what my arm looked like when i got back to work.
you can't see that the red almost met around my arm or that i had a swollen pocket at my side elbo which is probably why my arm ached so much all night making it difficult to sleep.

here's the other one balling up in my upper flubs. note how the two spots are reaching for each other. disturbing, i know. bev, my co-worker gave me some benadryl and the redness/heat started going down, but i took two and became quite sleepy. when i got home i lay on the couch and was dead to the world for about 3 hours. enough about that. i have some less explisit :) photos to share:

one of my girls, catie, took this of me last sunday.
sarita's farewell:
i've totally let my eyebrows go eh? oh well.

the creepy maniquin heads i wrote about. exactly how and where we found them.

elena and laura's day at the beach:

yelena and i finally got together on saturday. we wanted to do something outside and with our cameras so we went to boundry bay. the tide was waaaaaaaaaaaaaay out and we decided to try and get to the water, crossing many warm and shallow pools on the way.

the thing i found that i liked about this pic is my own fingers. one just never knows, does juan?

elena's the one who started photographing her foot in the water and i joined in. we liked the way the water warped her toes. i like her flip flop beside the bit of green water fluff.

jumping pics! my new favourite thing:

this one is my fave.

elena spotted this seaweed mossed up shell too.

so we crossed fields and pools of these little shells and in the middle of it elena says "it's kind of creepy. some of them are moving." sure enough they were! it was creepy especially because there was no way not to step on them.

two bees!

later we picked up edith at the airport, talked about africa and walked over to konichiwa for some japanese food.


katie said…
nat really wants to know the name of the purple flower.
What is her name,Elena,or Yelena ?( I rather think its Elena.)And jumping pics are cool.
Sarahstottle said…
I really like your shirt in the first picture of you after the pics of your arm disease. Also, I'm familiar with those mannequin heads, sadly. In the hairdressing world, there are like two different faces you can get on a mannequin and the ones you had are the most poplar.
Laura said…
you're right, her name's elena, rhiannon, but i like to call her yelena sometimes.

sarah that's funny, that shirt fancy's you as well.
Laura said…
i bet andrea knows what flowers those are.
Laine said…
Whee, they turned out great Laura! We need another playdate soon!
Karey said…
your arm look so bad! great pics. i love the jumping ones too. the mannequins are great! hahaha
LeashyLoo said…
I LOVE the pics Laursie! It looks like you and my sis had a great time! I don't need to tell you how jealous I am that it is sunny and warm over there!