so it's been a while since i actually wrote anything on here. i was feeling a need to update, but now it's waned. i got distracted. these things happen.

edith and i just got back from the movies. she had a coupon from the cracker jack box (ie. kellogs cereal box) that expired today. i got to pick the movie. i picked earth. and i'm glad i did. it was amazing. it's the kind of movie i could have watched with heather or elicia too. at the end they showed some footage of them filming. it was cool. that would be amazing to film wild life like that. one guy was in a chair fastened to a hot air balloon. one thing i learned from this movie : lions are super scary! edith says lions are of the devil.

before the movie excursion i had my work birthday dinner at the white spot, cause it's the right spot. i had a chocolate shake. yum. the girl who brought them to us told us how lucky we were that she made the shakes because of her tendency to overdo it. she gets in trouble with management for it, but she sure wins our hearts. plbbt to management. i sucked mine back within seconds. i can't do shakes slowly. shakes are not about savoring for me. they're about intensity. that's just me. anyways i didn't have dessert despite our rule to always have dessert during birthday dinners. this ritual crumbled due to a number of factors, not the least of which was the feeling of extreme fullness i was experiencing. thanks to the shake, i'm sure. but nobody else wanted dessert either, so it worked out well.

when i got home i checked out the plethora of photography blogs i now follow. they now number at 49, and i'm always looking for more. i have to have them split up into five different folders in my favourites.

i got the drowsies nearing the end of my time with the photography blogs, so i thought i'd have a quick 20 minute power nap before the movies. so i went to my room and shut the door behind me. unfortunately for me, i didn't shut it hard enough and evil-archie-destroyer-of-all-naps pushed his orange chubby way in and pierced through my few precious zzz's with his whine and cheese. i kicked him out but it was too late. i lost at least 3 or 4 minutes of precious nap time. why he feels it's his duty to ruin every nap in his realm of influence, is beyond me. at times he's not a nice kitty. he likes to look all innocent in his soft orange jammies, but he's got a cunning mind.

for such a big day of dinning out and movies, you'd think i'd prepare well and wow the public with my stunning good looks. sadly, no. i preferred a more frizzy frumpy look. today i experimented with braids that went wrong, and later changed to a messy frizzy pony tail. clothes were all wrong too. i like to keep people guessing.

hey, and thanks to everyone for the birthday well wishes. don't worry if you were a day or two late. if it's first day birthday or third day birthday, it's still birthday.

my birthday was nice. i had bacon wrapped scallops! randy took me to the chart house in steveston (i was the only one never to have been there, after all). it's on the second floor overlooking the steveston wharfs and harbour. the setting sun shone on us. i had salmon halibut souvlaki. randy had teriyaki halibut. we ate amidst the old folk. afterwards we played rook and had ice cream with nikki and eedie.

on my birthday eve i had a miraculously not completely crazed class in primary. to add to that blessing, susan made me and edith a cake and best of all the best mocktails i've ever had in my entire life. soooo good. they just really hit the spot. like perfectly. if my stomach wasn't sloshing with liquids i would just keep drinking them non-stop. during this time barb said she was my snufalupagus friend. well i'm not big bird, i said. i don't want to be big bird. i want to be grover.


Mom E said…
Archie is bit lion like sometimes with his devilish ways, hey! Earth is a good movie, great cinematography (I really liked the Aurora Borealis...Australis)etc.
katie said…
mic watched earth too. it sounded like what brent has been watching on tv all week--the lions chasing the baby elephant while one was riding on it's butt? i didn't like it.
Laura said…
it was a grown elephant, but yes. those lions were scary.
Karey said…
I want to see earth! Vicki and i keep making plans to go but then something comes up and we don't