my cherry blossoms

i feel especially blessed that the trees in my street blossom in time to welcome in my birthday. here's some pics i've been taking of my trees during the past week.
from my living room window:

archie thinks the pink makes him look fat.

izzy doesn't want to talk about it .


Sarah-Lynn said…
wow, so pretty!!! Happy birthday!
katie said…
its not the pink, archie....happy birthday!
LeashyLoo said…
Oh, how I miss those pink cherry blossoms! Love the pics! Happy Birthday are one super talented artist!
Karey said…
I'm so jealous. i wish it could stop snowing long enough for things to blossom here. sigh.
Claudine said…
Happy Birthday Laura!!

Love the pics...someday you'll have to show me how to take GREAT pics with my craptacular camera! You make it look so easy!

You're SOOO talented!
mudsy said…
Please forgive your williams lake Isolated MoM for letting your Birthday slip by, while I was gazing at Owen and taking long country walks. How could I forget such a special day of such a special daughter. I'll make it up, I promise. Your pics are stunning. I want the first one of your cherry blossoms please.(Beth does not have a calandar in her whole house, that's why!!)