the year of the ox.

we had a busy morning. i was making a huge batch of beef and broccoli, kaz was making a huge batch of fried rice, daniel was trying to help both of us, and tajana was making the soup and doing everything else that needed to be done. while doing the beef and broccoli, i kept a flustered eye on daniel and another on kaz, who i know does not ever read instructions. while doing the beef and broccoli and keeping two eyes on the boys, i also was answering many a telephone call, making change for many a person and selling lunch cards to those who requested them. on top of all this was bessie.

bessie is a nice girl. she's actually the same age as the split egg we call bethany and amy. she works part time and is the chinese go to person. she does chinese things. i'm not sure what. well this week is chinese new year and today was our day to have a chinese themed dinner. lisa is away, so she prepared me for the day. let me know we were making beef and broccoli, and friend rice and she said that bessie was bringing in some dim sum and that she would be taking care of that whole thing. so monday afternoon bessie comes to me and says she doesn't want to do dim sum anymore, she wants to bring in a whole roast pig. i tell bessie that there is no way i want to be carving up a whole pig at lunch time, but that if she wants to do it and be in charge of it, then go ahead. this morning i fully expected her to arrive with a whole roast pig. you know, like the kind i took a picture of at save-on, hanging upside down with it's detached head sitting just below it and the picture was entitled 'the head stands alone' or something like that? well this morning she did not have a pig. this morning she had wantons and duck. ok, so whatever i think.

but the problem began when bessie did not come to prepare her part of the meal in time to serve the people who eat early, namely the people we have working during the lunch rush. another problem was that there wasn't enough duck and that she assumed she'd be serving wanton soup when we had a soup of the day. but we just gave out very little duck and served the wantons sans soup. so it all turned out ok. it was just the coinciding of a stressful morning that really almost did me in.

after lunch we made lemon cupcakes with citrus icing. the droopy kind of icing.

hey! i just realized that i did not have supper! oh well.

in other news i'm getting some zits. one is one of those eternal never leaving zits and it sits right on my cheek bone, prominent for all to see. another festers on my jaw bone. just when i was congratulating myself on hardly ever having a blemish. just goes to show that when one congratulates one's self and feels pleased and boastful to one's self, one is sure to be punished.

ps. see picture post below.


amyleigh said…
I want duck. like the fat ones we saw waddling at the park by langora college.
Laura said…
you have murderous ideations.
Beth-a-knee said…
duck is a rich brown meat
Andrea said…
and greasy
Anonymous said…

brent was born in the year of the ox...
eryn. said…
Dean almost was but because of when the chinese new year starts, he is a Tiger.
Anonymous said…
does that mean dean is the same age as brent or 12 years older?
Laura said…
brent is a tiger? i'm a tiger!
Anonymous said…
laura, clearly i said he is an ox. dean is a is mic