sunshiny daay.

the sun is out and the storm is over. what a relief. it's so nice that it's warmer, that the roads are clearer and it's so pretty to see the snow laden world back-dropped by some blue sky and made brilliant by sunshine. it makes one cheerful.

this morning whinnie gut stuck over her head on a side road. some chipper girls from sarah's salon pushed us out onto bowen rd. on the way to the midwife's we talked about how i would meet my man by being stuck. he would come with a big shovel attached to his truck and save me. he would give me hot chocolate and make me a fire wherever i wanted. he'd be rugged with a five oh clock shadow and a twinkle in his eye (like pa, except he wouldn't neccessarily play the fiddle). he'd be in plaid and be wearing one of those big furry earflap hats. well if that's the way it has to happen then that's the way it has to happen.

later katie and i ventured to the snow encumbered church curtained with a solid veil of icicle daggers. we did a mini boot camp. it worked quite well. elizabeth didn't like it that much though so katie had to do jumping jacks and stairs with an elizabeth weight on her.

well amy's here now and we are forcing her to read the consequences. gotta go. read below.


amyleigh said…
I'm partial to a stormy sky full of snow myself
Andrea said…
I think you should go with fiddle playing but skip the pipe smoking!